Planted by theHeavenlyFather. t95 they make themfelves the root,and fo upon that account they bear the root andnot the root them; And hence we may knOw &'tis nowonder though they are accurfed and bear no fruit to God but leaves,which muff but downe and calf into the fire, and (ball becut offfrom the prefence ofthe Lord, and from theglory 4fhis power; and what greater curie then this ? But a poor Saint he really fees that he lives in the root, and that he bath all his wif/ome, knowledge, teaching, power, to a;t, to fufcr, to live, to move, to doe any thing externally or internally, 'tis all from his union , and all he hath from the )nifedome, firength, grace, goodne(?e, and gift ofChrift and from his fhinings forth in them, and not in any thing or of thernfelves. And, he growing on a good root,cannot but bring forthgoodfruit. And a childe of God may fay as lohn expreffeth it, Hefinneth not, neither can hefin, for he is borne ofGod. For he is a branch in this root whichfinneth not, and a branch inhim cannotfin, for he is partaker of the Di- vine nature and the Divine and heavenly fap, from which can fpringnothing but Good fruits; and he is Holy in the holi-' nelfe ofChrift, and rich in the riches ofChrift, and wife in the wifedome of Chrift, &c. Andhe knows that whatever be is out of Chrift, or as he is in Adam, all mutt dye andbe condemnedand perifn, and be madeno other but meat for the Serpent. Let theworld confider then, what will become of them and their workers when they talk fo much ofmy holinelfe, my du- ties, my parts, my learning, my Religion, my working : It muff all be condemned, deflroyed, burnt up : You know what Paul faith Ilaboured more abundantly then they all, but by the grace ofGodI ant what Iam, and hisgrace which was bellowedupon me was not in vaine ; yet not I(faith he) but the grace ofGodwhich-was with me. And again , of him and by him, and tohim and through him are all things,towhom be glory for ever. This is one property of a true Saint, when he fpeaks of himfelfe,ofanygrace, Ofany goodnel?e, meeknef?e, charity, lrve, ofany good in himn.he isvery tender not to rcfle&upon him- felfe as Holy , or as if men fhould think him holy or It ife, C c 2 or Mat.2I.19 Luke 13.9 i J011.3.9 Gen.3 .a4c I Cor. I $; Io. Rom. i I. 36.