The rooting up ofevery Plant, not or meet no,fayes he, this is none of mine, 'tis the graceofGod that is with me: fo that this man hehath nofap, no life , no goodneffe inhimfelfe ; but he lives by receiving , and when 'tis received he daresnot link it his own ;for he hath ail his fap in Chrift, and receives rt every minute from him : he does not look on himfelfeas having aftock or gifts or a Talent in his own hands,given out fromChrift as molt men take it, but he lives upon the fountain,as the f reame upon thefpring, and as.the branch on the root, if the fprirìg flop, or the root give not forth, theone ceafes, the other withers and dyes ; thus Both a Chriftianfuckvertue from Chrift every moment , and of this he bath filch reali experience, that all the world (hall never perfwade him otherwife, and hee cannot endure to hear how the world will talk of their wifedome, their carefulnefße, their endeavours , their holinefje , and the like, nothing more harfh to him : This is no other to Fray 25.5. bim :. but the noife ofhell , and the noife offirangers , and the noife of the bottoralefie pit : but he is well pleated to Rev.4 ro. beamong them that throwdown their crowns before the Lamb, that are alwayes finingand faying, Le alone is worthy to P1a1.18. receive honour, andglory, andpower, and dominion; He is our rock, our fortreffe, our deliverer; He alone is become ourfalva- tion . Thefe are bis joy , thefe are hisfongs in the night ; no melo,i y to this divine melody. Fromwhence alto,, this further difcovers the inconfifien- cyof the gloryofany creature,. and that which is in Jefus Chrifl: thefe two cannot ftand.: together; ifail beChrifis, then there isnone at all to be given to any creature; Eaals Pro- phets in this cafe are many , which cry out for mans power, andmans righteoufneffe, and mans endeavours ; but the Prophets of theLord are veryfew : but be Pure theLord in due time wig appeare, and the fire oftheLord will try every mans workof what fort it is ; Thefire oftheAltar will come downe and declare the true worfhippers ; whether thofe that cry up thepower and righteoufnefe of man, or thofe that eftablifh only the glory, power, wifedome, and vertue of the fonofGod ; And thoughBaals Priefts be many , and they take muchpains to efablifhmans righteoufneffe, and cut and lam