Plantedby theHeavenly Father. 1 i 97 lance themfelves for madnefíe; yet I fay , thefire of the Lord 'Kings 18 ¡hall declare it, That the Lord alone, be is God, he is God; and 38 &c. that fire ofthe Lord wi.Il burne up all things that are ofman, the wood, and the ¡tones, and the dull, and will dry and lick, up all thewater in theTrench , all mans power , gifts , parts, humane learning, and whatever manhath fet priceupon, and he left bare and naked, and empty , ° and miferable. Andall the Priefis ofBaal in that day ¡hall be aíhamed of their confidences and of theirIdols wherein they trufied, and which they havefo decked up,to make the worldbelieve they are the true worfhippers ;; when as theyhave dónenothing elfe but fet up their own inventions and the works oftheir own hands ; all favouring offlefh, and ofman andhum::ne things, and nothingat all ofjefus Chriflreally, but meerly inwords and in names, and in notions. Bath man anyfaith, or repentance, or hope, or love, or the like, fpringing inhimfelfe, becaufe they call fo much up- on man, to be up and be doing ? or can humane learning, wit, parts, or any thing in man workor procure this ? certainly no ;° ifit could , where is the honour ofChrifl, who is both the will and the deed,and thefame Godwho worketh all in all ? Andwhere is the Truth of thofe Scriptures ? I will de ro Phil.2,i3. p % Cor.12.6 the wifedome of the wife, andbring to nought the underflanding'. oftheprudent. Where is the wife? where is thefcribe ? where 19,20. is the difputer ofthis world? bath not God made foolrfh the WI- dome ofthis world? And againe, He taketh the crafty in their own craftineffe : And he bath hid thefe things from the wife and J °b 5. 13* prudent, and revealed them untoBabes , and many fuch pia- ''Cor.3.19 ces. Then the wifedorne ofman,and the power and glory ofman,and the power and glory of God cannot (land toge ,ther, there is no polibillity offubfiflency; butfofar, as man is fomething,or any thing, fo far God is debafèd,and made no thing. And thefemen do nothing inall their Preaching and declaring but makea hotchpotch , andfowing a newpeke in- Mzt.9. Y6. to an oldgarment,. andfo making the rent worfè ; though it be donenever focurioufly,with never fo much Art, and drawn in, as if it were of thefamepeke; whofoever he be that brings rn any thing of man, as havinga power, or being a caufe. of