The rooting Arp of every Plant,not of any good inman , that makes any thing wife but Chriff, any thing faire but him., any thing beautiful but him , the John 10.1 fame is no other but aThiefe and a Robber, A wizzard and a Southfayer, and inticet_h to Idelatry,and faith, Let us go ferve Deft. t3.ó other gods, even the gods ofthe Nations that are round about us : for, this is heldforth by tkofe Scriptures; when we withdraw ourhearts fromthe Loïd,and (et up any thing in hisflead,we HoCt. 2. go a whoring and ferve other gods , although wehave never fo faire and fine pretences a'd excufes ; For when we exalt any thing in manor give any thing to man,we at the fame time pull downfomething in jefus ,Ghriff, and take away ' fomething which is due to him ; and there is alwayes a magni- fying thereof, and a refling in it and trefling to it , whatever men fay to thecontrary : But,Oh blared is thatfoul that puts his truft onely in the Lord ; if any think he has any power, or that Chrifl hath given any fu ciency to man out of bim- felf , and he havinggrace given him , he is to work, and Both not fee that he lives and depends folely on him, and that he thinks he can be upheld one moment without the fountain , or without drawing andfucking lap from the root, they aremeerly deluded, and live out of the Vine , and are Rom. ti. cut c ff f ro :n the root that fhould feed and nourifh them : and 17° every fuch branch is deadand fit for nothing but wrath and fire. Oh 'tis afad café for men to think to liveupon their ownfloc1Z, thinking thus, Chriff he is in heaven , and I have caft Anchorthere, and he hath given meafloc&and a Talent, and now I muff beffir me, and Phewmy felfea good husband and a wife man ; I muff now improve thefe graces, and thefe habits , andget fomething together that I may live and de- pend uponhereafter; and if I do fo , I fhall grow a rich and thriving Chriffian, and finde rçfl for my foul. I confeffe moll men are ledout this way,and they are hardat work, for they areworkingfor life , and toprevent death : but thefad- nefe, and the blindneje, and theblacknefle ofthefe mens con- dition is excee. dingly to be lamented : For herein they (hall neverfinde, nor enter into theLords Refl. And fo for many others , they take much delight in reafoni%g, and taping, anddifcourf rzg about Religion , and it