The rooting up ofevery Plant, not well, and they have brought forth much fruit, and think to receive a great reward , and mean to knock boldly at Hea' venGate ; and who muff enter and enjoy theKingdom but they ? Now for thefe men to be deluded, and tobe ferved as the fivefoolifh virgins were, and'tohave the Gate fbut before they come,thinking they had oyle,when they had none; and good works and goodfruit, Sand then it than befaid unto them , Depart fromme, I know you not, ye axe workers of ini- quity: Truly, this will be afad fentence:whattwill become then ofall their confidence ?ofall their Religion ?, Ohhappy had it been for them had they hearkned fooner, and fold all fooner ! But noman couldever make them believe but they had true holinr fe,and true wifdom : andnow it is laid open in the fight of Menand Angels. And they can receive no other (for they have kindled a fire, and compafled themfelves about with fparks, and have walked in the light of their fire, and in .the fparks that they bave kindled, yet tis but their own fparks , and the fire of their own kindling) and there, fore , This ye (hall receive at my hand , ye fhall lie down in Jarrow. Then thou wilt with thou hadft given care to the counfell of the Lord , and to have learned what this meant , Their flrength is tofit frill ; but this they could not endure toheere of, and he was afalfe and a lying Prophet that told them fo; no : they would up and be doing, and they would leek out and für up theirfirength, and goe out valiantly, and goe down toEgypt tofce& helpand make themfelves ffrong, and this was the way to overcome and to live at ref . But as fure as theLord lives, before whom 1ffand, This is not the way ; but the way is for man to beftript, made naked, that he may be clothed upon : to deny a mans felfe and his own life too, or elfe he cannot be my Difciple : if thou wert but poore .enough, and empty enough, then-Chrift would fill thee, and make thee rich; but the thing is,thouart too rich, too full,and increafed withgoods, and haft need of nothing, and knower not (for all thy ftrong conceits) that thou art wietched,and miferable, andpoore, andblind, and naked : And therefore I counfell thee,faith the Lord there,to buy of me Cold tried in the