Plantedby theHeavenly Father. the fire, that thou mayf be made rich ; andwhite rayment, that thou maifl be clothed, and that thefhame of thy nakedneJJ'e doe not appeare : and annoint thine eyes with eyefalve that thou fee. If thou be once really convinced, and not in words onely, that thou haft nothing, nor canft doe nothing, then thou wilt be willing to hearken to any that will tell thee how thou fhalt Lemade rich, and Prong, and able to doe all things, and that is alone by living in the fountaine, and fucking fap from the root, Jefus Chriít ; by holding the head by which all the body byjoynts and bands, having nourifb- ment miniflredand knit together increafeth with the increafe of God. 201 Phil,4.113. C01.2.19. EaREMEERIMMEgtEg Dd THE E2rAri rg M ZEigra1 ,!,. . a !1