Planted by the HeavenlyFather. 205 leaves, and therefore curled it,andnofruit ever did, nor ne- ver (hall grow on that root. Man is alto that Earth that the Lord hath curled, whichofit felfe can bring forth no- thing but bryars and thorns, and is reje&ed, and fit for no- Gen.3.j sr. thing but to be burned : And let not flefhand blood be of Heb. 6.8. fended in holding forth there things ; for the earth and all theearthlineß thereoffhall be burntup, for all its beft works are no better, and fit for nothing but the fire ofhell. And confider fu& they ifit be fo, that the Heavenly Fa- ther hath taken this work uponhimfelf, and quite excluded all other power, wifdom,, help ; then what hath any of the Eons ofmen to do toundertake toprune, tojudge,to cenfure, to cut off? certainly it muff not, nor cannot be done by a- ny other handbut_ by his who ingraffs ; The fame hand that ingrafs, andPlants muffonely pluck up : For, is poor ignorant man fit be to judge in this cafe ? Ifit fhould be left toman, hewould pull up the Wheat with the Tares; nay, filch is his ignorance and depravednefl, that he would take Wheat for Tares, andTares for Wheat ; and indeed this bath been the mifery ofall ages, men thinking themfelves able to judge of truth, and the things of God, what's truth, and what's errour, althoughhimfelf was never yet purged, nor never freed from his own defilements ; vain,, filly, and yet proudman, who cannot give a reafon in the ordinary things of nature, nor give a reafoit of any colour, as why the grafs is green,, or why the crow is black, or the like, which is within his ownfphear and compaffz, andyet fo proud, con- ceited, and prefumptuns is he, that he will undertake to Judge of Heavenly things, and to fift out errour from truth , and root up ,. and plant ,. and doe what he plea- feth. But let vain man from this point know, hemeddles where he bath nothing to do all men are alone in the hands of theFather ;he alone is Judge of quickanddead ; In his hands 1{s is 4z alone are the ifsues oflife and death ; And no man can come to pf.68. so. hint except the Father himfelfdraw him, and yet men will be Joh.6 44. drawingand DR I VI N G toJefus Chrifl : and they think to beget men, and. they likewell to be called Dot?ors,. and Ma-