The rooting up ofevery Plant,vot Maters, andFathers : and yet the fpirit exprefly faith : Of his own will begat he us with theword oftruth, that wefhouldbe aBind offirli fruits ofhis Creaturcs. There is no power, wif. dome, ftrength, rules, examples, or precepts can do it, but onely thewill and power of God. And he faith againe, By onefpirit are we all baptized into one body : has one man then any more power then another ? can it be this mans learning, or theother mans wifdom, or another mans el.- quence, or power ofwords, orperfwafions : Oh let no man think fo : tar be fuch thoughts from any that profeffe toex- alt Jefus Chrift : for what can be more dojbonour to him ? and yet how do the general courfeof the World, and all pretenders to Religion run this way ? though they fay in words, Chrift is All, and man can donothing,and he is dead: yet they in all theirprac`iices, and perfwa ions, and exhorta- tions hold forth, that they verily beleeve the power of man, and that he is but half dead, and may raife himfelfe, and uphold himfelfe, and chufe thisplant Jefus Chrift and ingraff it, and nouri/h it, and dig and hedg about it, and caufe it to bring forth more fruit, which is alone thework of the Fa- ther. Or at leaft wife, if they give fo much to God as to fay he muff givegrace, yet this they affirm, that man muff nurfe it, and water it, and cherifb it, and maintain it : elfe he may lofe it quite fay fome : and others, tohis ownapple- henfion, fight and feeling : And what's all this but to fay, himfelfe he is the Dreffer and he is the Pruner, and Purger, and Rectifier ofall things amiffe, He is the True Husband-' man. But the Scripture holds forth otherwife, that there things are doneonely by thehand of God, and that in(Iruments are nothing : tis onely thefmord ofthe fpirit can cut off; and the word of God that is quickandpowerful', and 'harper then a two-edgedfward : and that can divide between the foul and thefpirit,, the joynts and the marrow, and is a difcerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. There is nothing elfeplants, nothing elfe cuts cfffrom the root,but only this fpiritwhich is as the wind,&-bloweth where it liffeth;andman hath nothing to do; I fay, theCreature hath nothing to do, but to gait and