Plantedby the Heavenly Father. f 207 and expe6 when the Angel will move the Waters. This is theCircumcifionwhich is done without Hands : And he is not a Jew that is one outwardly , made by men, or any power ofor in man : but he is a Jewwhich is one inwardly : and cir- cumcifion is that of theHeart, andnot in the Letter, whofe praifè is not ofmen but ofGod. And this work theLord doth , manageth, and carrieth on by his own ílrength, and by his owu power ; he is not at all beholding tomans wifedomeor care : but what is done in man, or by man; tisnot be that loth it, but Chrift in them ; his work is not done by any outward and external means, ibut by afecret, invifible, and fpiritual power : He is that fe- icret invifible fap that communicates vertue and nourifh- ment to every part andmember, through the whole body : fo that manspower, wifdom, and care is not ufed at all, but on- ly as an injlrument or fubjec1 in which, and by which it works; and therefore man hath nothing at all to fpeakof, or boat in ; Andone man is not more holy then another, or improves more, becaufe he hath more wìfdom, diligence, endeavour or the like ; in the work ofGbd all things ten- ding in the kV to lift upman, are to be cut of, but the fpirit workswhere andwhen it lifieth,and man by all his carc,cannot Joh.3.:8. fetch in the fpirit but when itfelfpleafeth : fo that no flefh may boaj} or glory inhir pretence, nor one man lift uphim- Cor, Pelf above another : For, we are alone his workmanriip, crea- 29. ued untogood works ; And we are of him in Yetis Chrift, who Eph.2. xo4 ofGod is made unto us wifdom, righteoujneß,f'anliiftcation, and t Cor.aì redemption. 30, 31. Therefore fromhence let us make thisconctu(ion, and fear to it, (not in our words and judgments onely) but in our hearts, in ourpractices, that we may fay, theíe are the very things that we haveheard, andfeen withour eyes, andwe have lookedupon, andwhich our hands have handled of the word of joh.1.1, life ; for there is nothing more ufual then to content to truth, in theNotion thereof, and in the Doctrinal part ; but when they come to the practical and Applicatory, thenthey declareplainly that they have nó experience of the things, St of theworkofGod in themfelves, but they make man aWor- ker Joh. 5.8. Rom.2.28 29.