Plantedby theHeavenlyFather. And as the Apoftle faith, fo fay I, Such wereTome ofyou, butye are wá(hed, but ye arefanehfted and juftified in the name ofthe Lord Jefus, and by the Spirit ofour God:There is not one natural man in the whole world that can dffre falvation, but under afalfe notion,as he thinks it will bring peace,and ref, honour, andglory,and happinef e ; but falvation in- deed,all menwho are not pollejf"edof it,oppofe it,fight againft it, and fhould it be revealed to them , in the true nature thereof, they wouldperfecute it, and breath out flaughters againfi the Frofeflors of it. Then certainly no man loves Salvation, nor noplan feels after it, nor can ufe any means to attain it, as men ignoranti affirm and beleeve For can a man love his own death ? can any man love crucifying and hate his own life ? 1 tell ye nay ; but he muff be changed, new mouldedand be leavened with a new leaven, that he may be a new lump. And therefore when men talk of filch things, they knownot what they fay, That man muff do, andman muff a(t, andman muff ufe the means and the like : it de- clares tome they were neveryet met in the way going to Da- mafcru;theywere neveryet un-horft and laidfiat to the earth: Oh Beloved ! this work ofSalvation it is a marvellous work , for the Lord to reveal his Son in man : theworld knows no- thing of it, but they have force notions of Heaven without them, and ofa Chrift without them , and Religion is now made an eafie and acommon thing ; almoft every one is Reli- gious,Religion is the fafbien ofthe Age,and its a fhame to be otherwife,and they think this is enough:But tomakeChrift in to the hope of Glory, this is noneofmans work, but tis the Lords doing, and tis marvellous in our eyes : For Chrift to dye for us when we werefanners and enemies to falvation, and for him then to dye for us and to reconcile us by his death , this the world knows little of. I appeal to every renewed foul here, whence is it, that a- nyof you are come to be Chriftians, and of men and wo- menofa Devillifhnature, to be madepartakers of the Divine Nature ? ofa Briar, anda Thorn, anda Bramble, whichwas fit fornothingbut thefire and burning, to become a Hea- venlyplant, anda branch in the trueVine Jefus Chrift? How E e came 209 I Cor. 6. I I. I Cor. j.7 Gal. 1 16. Col. 1.27. Pfal. ii8. 23. Roma. 8. Io. 2 per. i.4,