Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Plantedby theHeavenly Father. them thewme how thealone Mighty and Outflretchedband of the Lord hath brought themout ofEgypt, and how they came through the Sea, and through the tYilderneß; in- deed I confcffe thefe people they talk of figns and mark of the people of God; but to them there(hall be no fign given but that of the Prophet Jonah ; as he was three days and three nights in the Whales belly, fo muff the Son of man be buri- cd in the heart of the Earth : Go ye and learne what thin means. Art thoucut offrom thy old root, from the wilde Olive ? haft thoufelt this burning ? haft thou loft thy own life ? art thou buriedwith Chrift ? haft thou been three dayes in the heart of the earth, and in the Whales belly ? haft thou had in thee the battail ofthe Warriours and the confufed noife, and the garments rolled in blood ? haft thou feen the maflacre of thy own life, and the burning, and thefpoil, and the few el offire in thee ? Then this (hall be a fign to thee, that to thee the Child is born, and the Son given : And thouhaft then feen him to be the Mighty God, the great Councellour, the Wonderful, and the Prince o fpeace. Beloved, you may talk what ye will of this marls, and totherfign ; for, faith Chrift, Indeed the men of this Generation feek after figns : but let themnever once name any other fign, till they finde this fign in them. Have ye found this cutting offfrom your felves, and this planting by the Lord alone ? Never tell me of Ordinances, nor ofWafhings, nor of Breaking bread, nor of any ofyour rules orforms; mind you only this figne, this mark, before ever ye look for any other,ofbeing rifen with Chrift and the like. He that knows not thefe things in him- felf, knows nothing ; Chrifcomes not tofend peace before he hath fent thefword. What's nowall your doings, all your clippings, wafbings, baptifms, ifye have not this Baptifine ? all the other can never mare the doers thereof, nor the commers thereuntoperfect : And till this be ,. all your baptifms and worfhips are but frommenand not from Heaven, andall your Ordinances are but the Ordinances of men: neither do you know what an Ordinance of Chrift is ; for all thefe are but fbadows , your E e 2 Sabbaths Nlat. i z 33 &c. Era. 9.5. Ver. 6. Mat. io. 34. Heb.9.9. & IO.I.