Plantedby theHeavenly Father. them thewme how thealone Mighty and Outflretchedband of the Lord hath brought themout ofEgypt, and how they came through the Sea, and through the tYilderneß; in- deed I confcffe thefe people they talk of figns and mark of the people of God; but to them there(hall be no fign given but that of the Prophet Jonah ; as he was three days and three nights in the Whales belly, fo muff the Son of man be buri- cd in the heart of the Earth : Go ye and learne what thin means. Art thoucut offrom thy old root, from the wilde Olive ? haft thoufelt this burning ? haft thou loft thy own life ? art thou buriedwith Chrift ? haft thou been three dayes in the heart of the earth, and in the Whales belly ? haft thou had in thee the battail ofthe Warriours and the confufed noife, and the garments rolled in blood ? haft thou feen the maflacre of thy own life, and the burning, and thefpoil, and the few el offire in thee ? Then this (hall be a fign to thee, that to thee the Child is born, and the Son given : And thouhaft then feen him to be the Mighty God, the great Councellour, the Wonderful, and the Prince o fpeace. Beloved, you may talk what ye will of this marls, and totherfign ; for, faith Chrift, Indeed the men of this Generation feek after figns : but let themnever once name any other fign, till they finde this fign in them. Have ye found this cutting offfrom your felves, and this planting by the Lord alone ? Never tell me of Ordinances, nor ofWafhings, nor of Breaking bread, nor of any ofyour rules orforms; mind you only this figne, this mark, before ever ye look for any other,ofbeing rifen with Chrift and the like. He that knows not thefe things in him- felf, knows nothing ; Chrifcomes not tofend peace before he hath fent thefword. What's nowall your doings, all your clippings, wafbings, baptifms, ifye have not this Baptifine ? all the other can never mare the doers thereof, nor the commers thereuntoperfect : And till this be ,. all your baptifms and worfhips are but frommenand not from Heaven, andall your Ordinances are but the Ordinances of men: neither do you know what an Ordinance of Chrift is ; for all thefe are but fbadows , your E e 2 Sabbaths Nlat. i z 33 &c. Era. 9.5. Ver. 6. Mat. io. 34. Heb.9.9. & IO.I.