Obj. Ezek. i I.. I9. Anfw. The rootingup ofevery plant, not Sabbaths, your newmoons, all things of this nature ; for the body is Chrift : IfChrift himfelfe will make ufe of thefe,then indeed they are HISOrdinances,and there is life and power in them;but as men ufe them,they are empty,cold,dead,and they change not the counters therunto at all;for they are alive fill!, and their fpirir is yet whole in them, and they have nochange . wrought in them from the men ofthe World ; for they are as much in lave with honour and credit and all the things oftheworld as any other men ; by their fruits ye may know them : andyet theyprofefk to be rifen with Chrift, and to feekthofe things that are above : why ,7 becaufe they miftake things that are above : But becaufe they go to Church, and hear, andpray, andfait, and conform to Johns Baptifm, there- fore they conclude, they mind the things of God, and feek after them. Beloved, to be rifen withChriff,-is another man- ner of thing, and it muff be done by another manner of power then thefe men ever felt : Even the very fame Al- mightypower,,that railedup Iefur from the dead : elfe they do butdelude themfelves. This work is done byno other but by his own eternal fpirit; And men need not Peek to any other help or means but him, as thinking they can doe themfelves any good. But here now comes in the common Objeaion, at which all men (having not the work wrought in themfelves) fumble and fall; and over this block they cannot get; Although it is true that God does all, andhe muft give a newheart,and take out the ftony heart,andgive an heart offlefh; Thus far they willjoin inwith you ; But muff not man do his part and ufe the means, that it may be effeaed? This indeed hathbeen, and is, and íhall be the great fumbling block in all ages : for men having not the ex- 'perience of thefe things done in themfelves, they dreame of mans doing, a&ing, and working, and hemuft put himfelfe upon this duty, and that ; when as I toldyoubefore, no man leeks for Heaven as this Heaven : and how then can he ufe the meanes for it, when he never once defires the trueKing- dome ofHeaven, but hates it, oppofes it, runs from it, ufeth all his inventions andweapons offenfive, and defenfive to keep