Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

i 210 t Cor.3.7 2 Cor.4.7 Rev. 2t. 5. Luke2.34 Tim, 1,7 Jer.t 7.5. The rooting upofeveryPl wt, not belonging to the Kingdome of Heaven , and he is pkafed to floopjo low to us, to reprefent.byexternal things, thofe things that are high, andfpiritual, andlaving ; but alaffe, they are I all MTSTER I ES,and they cannot beknown but in the light ofGod, and not in the light ofman, but as God is plea- fed to make them out in man ; elfe no man knows what they meant in their own nature ; And no manBoth teaeh, nor no man can learn, but only by thatgreat Mader , Father, and Do&or. Neither is he thatplanteth any thing, nor he that wa- tereth, but God whichgiveth the encreafe : And though it be brought in earthen Vefels,yet 'cis only the power of God effects it : And if the carnalman open them, or handle, or expound them , though he be never fo learned , yet they do but play the madmen with the fwordofthefpirit , and know not how toufè it ; but cut downe that which God hath planted , and plant that whichGod would have rootedup ; And they help not at all in divine things. For Gods time to wor&and fpea& is when 211 things in man as to his ownworkings are fti11 and quiet, and when there is the deepefl filence : 'tis the fpirit only that can make thefwordof theLord tocut, to 14 or make alive. And he that aUs or thinks otherwife , 'tis in him no other but BlaJph.emy againft themolt highGod to fay any other power can do it, either in the Magiftrateor Minifter;for 'tis He that hath laid it, Behold , Imake all thingsnew : And 'Lis Chrift alone who is fet and appointed of theFather for thefall and rilinga- gaine ofmany in Ifrael. And 'cis true, there is alto a great fir in the world among thefe men about three perfons in the Trinity ; and he that will not own them according to their underflanding , prefently they arc Socinians and A- theifls,and I knownot what, when as they themfelves know not what theyJay, nor whereof they afrm,for they themfelves deny the Holy Ghoft and his openttion, andhave not fo much as once heard in themfelves that there is a holy GhoJI which worketh all the things of God in thefonsofmen : But the Lord hath denouncedafeuere and folemne curfe upon all thefepra&ices, fer. 17.5. Curfed is the man that trufleth in man , andma&ethflefh his arme, and whofe heart departeth from