Plantedby theHeavenly Father. f' 2II from the Lord : Andwhat do thefe men doelfe but withdraw their heartsfrom the Lord,and put their truft in man and in the arme of flefh ? what is this but to fet up Idols in his heart ? But all the Saints , they beare out their witneffe againfi this Idolatry; for they ende that never any of theirendea- vours, parts, or any meanes they could ufe, hathbrought them off' from themfelves and their own bottomes , nor could cut themofffrom that wilde Olive, andovercome the firong man in them andfpoyle his goods, but that onefpirit a- lone : And if noother power can do it, then certainly all otherpower mufffall and muff be rootedup. Therefore this thews the intolerable pride and the unexpre(lible danger of thofe men whowill take upon them the office ofthe three perfons. How many Church gatherings are there now in thefe dayes ? And they will undertake to plant, andgather, and refufe, and take, andpick, and chufe, as they judge, and as they think,good, and they think they Know the members of Chrift and theMembers ofSatan ; And if they fay Inch a one is a Believer, then their Judgement muffpaffe, though they `are dangerous and moll abominable Hypocrites, who have only wajbed the out fide of the cup andof the platter, and areonlypaintedSepulchers, but within areoinking and loath- fome, being full of pride, vainglory,, envyings, covetoufnefte, and Idolatry,&c. My friends, judge ye ifthefemen donot take too much up- on them : but this truth {hall and muff ftand againfl thegates ofhell, That everyplant which the heavenly Father bath not plantedmuff be rooted up : For there is nothing in the whole Earth can make any one a member of,Chrift but thefpirit of the Father, which is the holy Ghoff. And therefore Let no man rejoyce zn men; Let no man exalt, extoll, or ever fpeak one word in praife ofman; for all things areyours, whether Paulor Apollos, or Life or Death, or Cephas,or theWorld , or things prefent, or things to come, ali'are yours , and (hall alljerveyou: but they are nothing at all, butye are Chrifis, andChrift is Gods. And whenye fay, I am offuck a mans Church, and I am offucb afellowfhip , and I am a member here and there: Are Rom, aa.17 Mat.a2.29 Luke n, 39. Mat. 23. 27. Ibid,a6.18 a Cor.3.2a 22,23. I Cor.I.a2