2 16 1 The rootingup of every Plant, not I Cor.3.3. Areye not carnal andwalk as men? is Chrift divided, or was Paul crucified foryou ? Is there any other Bond? or any other memberjbip but in the body of Chrift ? did any of the Apo- $ties or Prophets, or any that ever had experience ofthe work ofgrace andofbeing brought home to the great and truelimp- heard, (peak ofany other hnot,of any other Head , but that Chrift alone is that head, from which all the body by joynts and Co1.2,19. bands having nourifanent mïniflredand k zit together encreafeth with the encreafe of God? All other Temples or FeGbwfhips, are nobetter then that material Temple , of whichChrift fpeakes ; Although men have beautified it, and adorned it, and carved it, even to the admiration of the beholders, yet 'Luke 2!.6 ' Chrift is not affeeied therewith, but threatneth, as glorious as it is, yet The time is comming there (hall not be left aftone upon a (tone whichpalln)t be thrown down. Cbje2. I but Sir, what do youmean to fpeak thusfreely , and fo harfhly againft the Churches ofChriß,and the Saints and people Bnfri,. ofGod ? I Anfwer, far be fuck a thought frommy heart, I wouldnot do it for a world. But this I fay , if they were Epi>33 thepeople ofCod , andofthatfamily of whom thewhole family in Heaven andEarth is naMzed , then they would not keep fuch aflir.about an outwardgathering, and an external mem- 1 berfhip: Put they would own the Church of Chrift which isfpiiritual and myftical, for fuch is thebody ofChrif}, It is univerfal andnot loci up in this way or that forme : but here they pitch their love,and all others they behold afar off,who arenot f pared to theirChurch way ; And they would own no teaching but the teaching of the fpirit : They would look upon man but as ameere emptypipe, having no worth , no excellency, nogoodneff at all in him ; but while man is fo much admired, and cryed up, invain do they tell me of their Saintfhrp, or ofbeing thepeople ofCod : And therefore for my part, whilemen Idolize (hadowes and negle& the truth and thefúbftance, and Peek not Chrift H IM S EL F E, but content themfelves with Chrift litterally, I mull fay with the Apof}le : Hencefrth okiowwe no man after the Al), no, 2 Cor. 3. although wehad known Chrift after theflefh,yet henceforth kno 16, we himno more. Were