Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Planted by the Heavenly Father. 217 Were theApoftle here among us, and fhould bring (Lich d&rine , it would Teem veryfirange to tell us , That all our fíefhly and external apprehenfions of Chrift mull pare away; And ifhe himfelfe mutt not be regarded in that kinde ;(For the comforter cannot come except he go away: And theAlbpro- fits nothing, it is thefpirit that giveth life, or quicl(neth:) Then much more all your fhadowes, formes, Ordinances, wafflings, breaking bread ; For, while you refs in thefe and efteem of thefe, Chriß in the fpirit , or the comforter cannot come ; Therefore 'tis expedient foryou that Igo away as to all thefe .things : elfe, I cannot fend the comforter, who fhall leadyou into all truth. I, but this do&rine overthrower the power bothof theMa- gifiracy andMiniflry ; for we had thought they had been the only men topropagate the Gofpel I anfwer, Did Chrift ever commandyou togo toCefar, or to the Minifters to propagate his Gofpel ?He bids you only, Give untoCefar the things that are Cefars,viz: toyeild themCivil obedience,and pay them tribute and afford them your help, for carrying on of the publickcharge, for theprefervationof the Nation ; but it was farfrom bis thoughts tomake theMagiftrate a Judge in fpiri- tuai things ; How uncertain a way werethis ? Andhow of- ten are ignorant and blinde men fet up , who know nothing in divine things ? And indeed, where (hall wefinde men fit to Judge, or fitly qualifiedfor that bufinefíe ? If it were fo, Chrift had laid a ground for the fettingup the greateft perfe- cution that ever theSunlaw; For the Magiffrate, and too commonly alto theMinif}ers call evil good,and good evils light darkfze(le and darkneffe light : And for the Minifters , when didChrift ever or his Apotles fend you to them ? but he faith , The Harve(i isgreat and the labourers few , pray ye the Lord ofthe Harveft that HEwould fendforth faithful labourers into the Harveft; Is man able to Judge,who are fit to be labourers to work in the Lords Harveft ? Ifhe be blind,as moft certainly he is,he is onlyfit to lead the blind. Indeed'tis true in all ages , the Harveft isgreat and the Labourers few ; How few are there of thole that pretend to beMinifters,and Labou- rers, and Pators, and Gatherers of the Lords She zves inhis F f Har-, John 16.7 Ibid. 6.6; Obicíl. Anfw. Mara 2.í' 7 Efay 5.2o Luke10.2