218 ehe rooting up ofevery Plant, not Harveft , that do fo much as know truly theLords errand, but bring things taken up on truf , and borrow here, er.23. 21 and there, and yet fay , Thus faith the Lord , when he hath not fens them nor fpoken to them ; but bring forth the dreames and vifions of their own heart , fo leading people onwith weerfancies and dreames , that they are Chriftians, and they arebrought into the Sheepfold , when 'cis neither fo nor fo. And againe ; whatfirange contradiaing doíïrine do thefe men bring? to fay Chrifi does all, and we cannot do the fpi- rits work without the flrength ofthefpirit, and without this we are in Bonds and cannot fir one foot , and he accepts no fèrvice but what conies from himfelfe and much to this pur- pole; And yet by andby man muft improve grace, and he mull nourilb this plant and cherifh it, and he muft preferve the feed ofGod in him, that it may not dye. And he mutt repent and believe andperforme the conditions required on* his part to doe , and apply the promifes, and the like; doth not all this clearely Phew, they underfand not what theyfay Tim, z.7 nor whereof they afrme ? Is not this to affirme and deny the fame thing, both at once ? If this be not to begin at the wrong end, I knownot what is ; but this is the courfe oftheworld, to put men upon getting and doing ; Whereas the way of God is toflrip man ofall his power, to reduce him to his ownnothingneße, to work the work himfelfe; And he that bath found God in him aïiing and doing, he fees it was none ofhis work ; but while men fet man thus upon his own do- ing, man comes to be lifted up in his ownfight, and he glo- ries in hinifelfand in his ownpower, andhe thinks himfelfa firwardChriflian, and he isfone body, and he is a wife man in his own conceit : And thofe that donot as hedoes, they are ignorant, wicked, and prophane; but a true Chriftian he finds no power, no deliverance, no planting, but by the hand ofthe Father, and he lives on that fap andnourifhment which he receivesfrom the root,Jefus Chrif.And though he Ga1.2.20. as or lrve,yet it is not he, but Chrif liveth in him,and ry rkes Effy 26.12 all his , It orkesfor him; And he finds and knowes ifhe attempts to doeany thing in his own name or power, or thinks that he