Ron1,2.2g 9. The Saints perfeC freedom, or not to inherite the bleffing , but tobe call forth ; and in the l L YS Ï E KT this is that outward Jerufalem , wherein the Jew fo much boafled, viz. ofhis formes and outwardwor- (hips , and becaufe they were theoutward andcarnal feedof Abraham, and were czrcumc;fed and the like all which was nothing ; for all thofe things did typifie andhold forth the true feed, and the childrenofthe Free woman, and thefeed of j the promife; for thefe alto are like theirn athrr which bore them, even that Jerufalem which is above, 'which isfree, and is the nz2ther ofus all ; that is, of all the children of the pro- rift : and though this mother, be a long timebarren and bea- reth no children , yet the (hall bring forth ; then it [hall be, Paidof her as it is written , Rejoyce thou barren that beareff not, and cry thou that travelleff not; for the defolate bath many more children thenjhe that bath an husband. Nowwebrethren (faith he) as Ifàac was, are the children of thepromife ; But as then he that was borne after the f ejb , per ed him that was borne after the fpir`zt ; evenfo it is now. erthelefhe faith the Scripture, Caft out the Bond-woman and herfon, for thefon of the Bond-woman(hall not be Heire with the fon of the Free- woman : And then he concludes in the laft verfe, So then Brethren, we are not children of the Bond -woman but of the Frre. We, that is, thofe who believe arenot now tyed unto Cere- monies nor live in the forme and Jháddow of the Heavenly things , or in bondage to external andworldly rudiments rifling in them, as the outward jew. did ; for he is not aJew that is one outwardly , neither is that circumcifion which is out- ward in thefiefh , but be is a Jew which is one inwardly, and circumcifion is that of theheart and ofthefpirit, and not that of the Letter : And this kinde ofdoarine , the Iewand he that outward formes,could not endure, but as then, ! fo now , this divine teaching and theTeachers thereof could never be endured , but have been perfecuted in all ages,and moll ofall by thefe whohave pretended moil frilly to wor fhipGod according to the rule ofhis word; thefe ever had and everwill have a contrariety thereunto ; the children of the Bond-woman are alwayes at enmity, and havea continual, :hatred againfi thechildren of the Free-woman. And thefe' are