Liberty in Chrif1 affected. 223 are llagar, as theApoffle there faith in verle 25. For this Hagar is mount Sinai inArabia , and anfwereth to Ierufalem which now is , and is inbondage with her children : if men go no farther , buthere flick in fhaddowes and formes and the outward worfhip of that at Ierufalem,(though it be never fó glittering andglorious)yet all this is but mount Sinai andgen- dreth toBondage ; But faith our Saviour , The houre commeth john 4.21 and now is, that neither in Ierufalem nor in this nnuntaine(hall men worfhip the Father, but the true wotfhipperspall warlhip him infpirit and truth. Thefe two mountaines alwayes Rand in °oppcftion one to another , becaufe the one is to bring men into Bondage, and theother is Rill labouring to let men free. The one kinde ofworfhippers are altogether buted and exer- cifedand arevery zealous for worldly Ordinances and exter- nal rcorfhips, ditties, and formes , and conclude that thofe who fubmit and take them up zealoufly and , are the true worfh,pper ,..apd exclude all other : Now the other worfhippers,, who ívorfbip the Father infpirit and truth they lee and bear witneffea ainft thefe outward formes (as reflect in) as generally all tht other worlhippers do, whatever they fay , and their great Zeal for then is , becaufe they derive, Jitc1Z and draw life from the exercife of them ; But the other know there' is no power, no life, noexcellency in them, nei- ther could they any longer live or depend upon them , but they fee that their life, power, righteoufneße; freedome, is in thole things which ::re from heaven, heavenly; in the Jpirit, not in the letter ; they receive their nourifhment and influx 4 cor.15 ence from the Heavenly Ierufalem, not from the outward and external , not from carnal Ordinances (as the Apoffle calls them) but they fuck the breßof the true mother, whole milk isfpirit and life ; And here they live, and here they feafi, and here they dwell, and have not their life nor content, nor thrift abode with the Bond-woman which in them is call otit with her children : for the can never inherit the ll. ling, nor the lift , nòr the power, nor the liberty, but is with all her chil- dren alwayes in Bondage. And the Apoffle appeales to all Believers, their own experience, Didye ever receive the pro- G 1 3;a.. mifè by the workes of the Law ? that is, by whatever man (as man)J. Gal.4.25>