Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

224 The Saints perfeid freedons,or man) coulddo, with all his learning, power, f rivings,, acqui rings, &c. but only by the hearing of Faith? So that you may fee from thefe and manyother argu- ments , the Apollles draws this exhortation by wayof con- clufon in the verfe now read : Stand fait therefore in the li- berty wherewith Chrifi'bathmadeyou free, and be not intangled' againe with theyoaf`e.o fBondage. Some of the Galathians had fern and felt this true liberty, which he had cleared out to them, and they had lived in it andenjoyed it. But fome falfeApotlles crept in after bisdeparture,and told them they muft í1í1l hold theformes of the Law , and they muft be cir- cumcized andobferve outwardand carnalOrdinances ; Now the Apoftlevery ear..nefIy preffeth them to ftand fall in their liberty received, and not to fuffer themfelves to be intangled with-thofejoakes of bondage; for Chrift is their liberty, and Chrift alone is their life, and their freedome, their peace, their joy , their falvation ; and herein Tolland, againft all thofe who would fet up any thingwithhim ; and upon that ac- count the Apoftle calls them carnal Ordinances though ap- pointed by the Lord himfelfe : And 'cis á wonder the men of theLetter which Rand fomuch for outward formes, do not cry out BLASPHEMY and HERESY. All thofe other things being included in naming Circumcifion, becaufe that was the molt high, abfolute, and unqueftiona- ble Ordinance ordained byGod himfelfe toAbraham, and which none could remove or aboliJh but theSon himfelfe, the Heire himfelfe ; whobeing corne to Age , muft inherit, and take poffeflion ofhis own, of his Inheritance, Kingdom, and Glory ; And (hall any fervant refift and keep out THE L0 RD, The Heireof all things,and all thefe things fay,Pre- pareye the Tray of the Lord, for whom all things were made and created; and all other excellencies and glories what- foeverare but toVJher in this great and mighty King; and [hall any Harbinger orfrrvant fay he will not,or he muff not remove, or be fo impudent to fay that the inheritance is his. No,fayes theApoftle, I teflifie to every man, and I Paul fay untoyou, ifye be circumcifed,Chrift (hall profit you nothing andye are under the Law, andunder bondage, and he is a debtor