Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

226 ` The saints perfea freedom, or man ; for thereare manyglorious forms andworfhips , and man {hewing out himfelfe to be fomething, which things pleafe theoutward. man and the fle{h; and this is that man tteemes highly of, and much prides himfelfe in ; And in- deed, all thin is nothing but to Peek life in death, and for the Efa 8.19, living to feek to the dead , as the Prophet fpeakes ; all tends to death, to bondage, and to remaine under the Curfe ; Eut { that which the Apoille here holds forth is the truth , the I thepower, the life, the inheritance, tke refi:rreaion, theglory ; and fhewes that there is no other power, life, glory, inheri- tance, peace, aft, but onlyhere ; there is no otherfpirit, no other Baptifne, no other breaking ofbread; healone is The Sohn 6,5i true bread which cane downe from heaven, and he alone can give it, And he alone is the meanes, the only Ord:íaance by whichwe receive it ; he is the way , and he is the doire this bread is given down from heaven, as Chrif( fhewes at large in yohn 6.31. &c. He gave .them bread from Heaven to eate, Mofes himfelfe could not give them that bread; Your Fathers yerI 49. have eaten Manna and are dead : That bread which Mofes gavecould not keep themfrom death , but for all they eate of that bread which camedown from the elementary Heaven, yet they aredead; But my Father giveth you the true bread from Heaven, for the breadof God is he which comma) downe from Heaven , andgiveth lifeunto the world; Iam the breadof V.57,58. life, and he that commeth unto mepall never hunger, andhe that belie veth on me fl?all never tbirf So that you fee, The Apof(le here lets the oppofition be- tween the intanglements of men and the yoake ofBondage, againfl the pure, free, andfull liberty by jailsChrift, what- ever it be but this liberty given us by jefus Chrift, that gives the leaf joy, the leaf( peace, the leaf} refl to the foul ofman, but purely jefus Chrif(, he is intangled in theyoak ofbondage; for, the libertyofChrift confiis not in any thingbelowhim- "elfin any Ordinances(as men call them)in any duty, in any form, in any mode whatfoever,but only in himfelf; all things elfe are too low, toopoor, too meane, too bate to Rand in the room of Chrift,they cannot give the true bread , but only jefus himfelf,who is The Bread.There are but two principles from