Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Liberty in chrift affrerted, from which all men work, tither from Chrif or Antichriff, either from the bondwoman or the free woman : either from the wifdom that is above , which ispure, peaceable, gentle, ease to be entreated, full of Mercy andgood works, without partiality, without hypocrifie : Or else, tis from the vv. itdorne which is from beneath, which is earthly, fenfual anddivelifh , which is full of envying,ftrife,and cenfufion,and every evil work. And though this wifdom of the world will undertake to Phew us Chriff , and the true bread , and they cry Loe here, and loe there, he is inour way , fayeth every feveral fepara- tion : But, if they fay he is in the'wilderne , or be l in the fe- cret chambers,goe not after them for the Kingdom ofChrift com-', meth not with obfervation : who ever (hall fay he is in this outward form, or in that way of wafhing, or breaking bread, believe them not,goenot after them ; for know, The Kingdom of God is within you. All men that think to be helped by cleaving to this Church , or that Fellow(hip, and are frill goingout of themfelves to finde Chrifr, they are deceived; but if anyman dire& you to finde Chrift anywhere but within, inhis own heart, he is deceived ; all thefe waies are infnarements and delufons : ifmen think tobe helped by any thing in heaven or earth, but only by thepure, perfect, and alfufficient righteoufneffe of Jefus Chrifr, which is onely manifefed in thy heart by his own fpirit : for ifthou thin- kefr that Jefus Chrifi Externall in theflefh, as dyingat Tern- talent, will help thee, thou art utterly deceived ; tis Chrift Onely who is begotten within thee ; all other waies of mens devifing,are meer lies,delufions, and infnarements. In the words (for order fake onely) take notice of thefe foure things : i. That the frate ofa believing foule is a (late of liberty. 2.That believers are onelymade partakers ofthir liberty by Jefus Chrift. 3.That the fafety offfanding is only in abiding in this liberty and freedom. 4. That when any man goes outfrom this liberty and freedom by Jefus Chrift to any thing elfe whatfoever, he goes out tobe cnfnared and entangled, and it cannot beotherwife. For the two firft, tis cleare, that there is a frateof freedom and liberty belongiug to the people ofGod : and that Chrift G 2 only lam.3.15. Mat. 24. 26, Luk.17.2o