Pfal.qo.2. The Saints perfell freedom,or only is their deliverer; He who is delivered by Jefus Chrift, he onely hath true,freedomv, and he is the true free man; all others however they talk offreedom , and boaft of frcedont, if Chrift doe not fet them free, they are dill bosxdren , they are fill infnare.,and lockt faft in their fetters : for,who elle can deliver and let free thefoule of man,but he that is Lordof au, ind is fubjec`t to none? He alone bath the Keyes ofHelland death;he alone is the foules Captaine and deliverer ; This is that whichall the Saints have experience of,when they finde themfelves delivered from thebondage offlefh,offelfe,of the world;if they feel this work done within them,they know ex- perimentally tis the very finger and power of Chrift,and that he is only Chriftsfree man;that none bathbrought it to pafs, to let themat liberty, to knockoff their chains,and lead them out of prifon, and fet their feet upon a rock, but only the Al- mighty power andmeer mercyof the Lord Jefus ; they know that it hath been he that hath opened their eyes and their eares, that hath railed them from death,andgiven them feet towalk ; and there is none know this truly, but only thofe that feele it done in themfelves. And for proofe of this point, though I might prove it by Scripture very plentifully , to (hewhowmany, yca all the Saints there fpoken of, have found it in their own experience that they were delivered fromdeath,and from prifon,by the power ofGod, and by the hand of Jefus Chrift ;' yet what is this to thee, except thou finde their experience true in thy felfe?elfe their experience is but notions and riddles to thee, and fuch things whereof thouhaft no knowledge, except thou fee and /mow thy felfe to be under death, and kept fart in prifon ; and except thou haft found Jefus Chrift refloring, recovering, delivering and redeeming thee from thin death ; And that thou findeD; thathe hath faid to thy foule, Arife andRand upon thyfeet, and hath given thee ffrength and life; to what end is it to bring all the examples in Scrip- ture,and in the world, if this death and life be not experi- mented inus ? Infomuch that thoucanfi fay, This word is true to me, becaufe done in me, as the Apofile faith, in Heb. 1.1,2. God who at fundry times, am ,divers manners,. fpake i times