Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Liberty in Chriftt affërted 229 times pail unto the Fathers, and by the Prophets, hatb in thrfe laff daysfpoIZen unto uc by hisrod, whom he bath appointed Heir of all thing,. Thole truths, whichhe fpake before by the Prophets, he bath now fpoken in us by his Son, fo that we now know them to be the word and fpeai ngs of God. But, as our Saviour faith, An evil and an Adulterous Gene- Mar. 12. ration feekethafter a kn. They expe& every ipeaking fhould 39) 40 be madegood by an external word, and ye mutt go no farther ; fo that the o'er:, is never witneffed to in their hearts ; but as he layes there, There(hall nofign be given them but the fign ofthe Prophet Ionas ; For as Ionas was three days and three nights in theWbales belly,evenfo Ibal thefon of man be three days and three nights in the heart ofthe Earth. Except you find the fame things done inyou,the fame miracles,the fame death,the fame lying in thegrave three days and three nights, except you ftndJefus Chrift taking thee by the hand,and refioring thee to life, thouart ofanevil and adulterous Generation,feeking af, ter an external fign, and thouart a meer firan,er to there things. But I fhall for their fakes who feel the work of Chrift within them, give you twoor three places of Scrip- ture, being the experience ofthe Saints ofold that you may fee how the Saints bear witneffe to each other in experience. FirfiScripture, Efa. 6i. I, 2, 3. (peaking there ofChtift Eta. 6r. being theonly deliverer, faith, Thefpirit of the Lord God is 2, 3. upon me, becaufe he bath anoynted me to preach good tidings to thepeek: he bathfent me tobindup the broken hearted,topro- claimliberty to the Captives,and the openingoftheprifon to them that are bound, &c. To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ajhes,and the oyi of joy for mourning, and thegarments ofpraife for the fpirit of heavineffe, &c. Chrift only is the breaker open of the foules prifon doors ; he alone gives deliverance to the Captives, and he alone brings them forth fromprifonand lets them free ; and this he is to his people in all ages ; for he isyeferday, and to day, and the Heb. i 3.8. famefor ever ; and when the fame word appeared in fle/h, he tefiifies the fame ofhimfelf, Luke 4. I S. where he rehearfeth Luk.4.1 8. the farne words and applyes them to him.`'elf, verf. 21. Thii : & 21. day is this Scripture fulfilled inyour ears. And this was that which