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23q '0,eba2..24 Mat. 23. 27. 2he Saints pert f eE freedom, or whicl he Hill heldforth in all his teachings ; that there is no other Saviour nor Deliverer but himfelf, never was, nor is, nor ever (hall be to the end of theworld. Mofes was on- ly an outward and external Captain or Deliverer ; but His leadings anddeliverings are f piritual, and there is none canbe deliveredbut by him ; as he is a better Mediator then Mofès, fo he is a better deliverer ; tis he alone that frees thefoul from the pit, from death and hell ; bit Kingdom is within us : The jewes and Pharifees they íB11 expe&ed an outward deliverer, and could not own Him as a Prince and Saviour, but were blind and faw not what he Hill heldforth in all his teachings. They could not fee the truth, that they were blindand miferable and full of Hypocrifie, and were no other but paintedSepulchres, glorious outwardly, but within were full of rottenneffe, fencb, anddead mens bones : They could not endure to ftand in the light of this truth, but ha- ted it, andperfecuted him to thedeath for holding it forth: What are we blind alfo ? what we the learned,,the JP;fell, the holief? whatwe that areflrií? our felves, and call upon others to be fo ? this was death to them. But now had they but ken this and owned it, hewould have been their righteouf- nefl'e, their deliverer, their redeemer, tohave Set them free ; bnt becaufe theyfaid wefee, therefore their fin remained, and their fetters and bondage was not taken off : And again Chrift tells them John. S. 31, 32. Ifye continue in my word, then areye my Difciples indeed, andye(hall know the truth, and the truth Shall male youfree. Now thefe things they could notfee.nor underhand that they were in bondage, but anfwe- red to him, we are Abrahamsfeed, and were never inbondage to any man ;bowfayeft thou, ye Shall be made free ? then Jefus', anfwcred them, Verily, verily, Ifay unto you, He that com- mittethfin, is thefervant offn ; the fervant abideth not in the Houfefor ever ; but the fon abidethfor ever ; And ifthe fonfhaU mareyou free,yefoal be free indeed. They every moment committed fin and werefervants tofin, and reje&ed Him that would have made them free, andyet were ignorant thereof, andRilljufified themfelves ; fo that Chrifl could not be a Deliverer to them, notwith$anding he continually preacht this