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111......11111=1.. Li>erty in Chris`i alerted. f 23 r thisDoeirin in their ears ; He would have fpiritually made themfree -men indeed,and he could never convince them of their bondage, that fo he might have made them Free. And this Freedom is beyond all other freedoms_: This is that perfell Law of liberty which lames fpeaks of, lam.i.25. All other deliverancesare but imperfect deliverances without this . And in Rom. 6.22. fayes the Apofile, being made free fromfin, andbecome fervants to God , ye have your fruit unto holinefe,and the end everlaffing life : for whenye werefervants offin, were free from righteoufneffe : From all which Scrip- tures .t appears, that never anywere or could be made free and et at liberty, but onely by His power, and by Hid. E- ternal right hand ; tis not all the Power, Wifdom, Righte- oufieffe, Endeavours, Rules, Stri&neffe, Conformity that all or any of theEons amen could ufe, could ever deliver them from their bondage to the leaft fin ; though they may pretend agodly reformation (forfooth) and ffri&nefíe of wal- kng, and flickingclofe to God, and walking up to their knowledge, and to theirfrrict rules ; yet they wereneveryet freed,nor delivered from any onefin byJefus Chrift,nor ever left any one fin from any good end, but the Devil in them hath only fhiftedfhapes, and left, or put offfame particular fins whichwere not profitable or convenient, or flood not with their credit, but hebath caufed them to take up Forms to cover the defilements of their hearts, and of their inward man, which notwithflanding all their fhewes isfull of rotten- neffe, hypocrifieand all iniquity. And again the Apoftle, i Cor.7.22. He that is called in the Lord, being a. fervant, is theLords Freeman ; likewife he that Coro7.22 is called, being Free, is Chrifls fervant. Therefore ye are bought with a Price, be not ye the fervants of men. All that are once made free by Chrift they cannot be fervants tomen, that is to thofe things men are fo fubje& to yeild obedience to : they not only ought not but cannotferve thofe lofts, that men ferve, when Jefus Chrifl has fet the foul Free,they will beonely fervants tohim : They will not be;ervants to the world, nor fervants to their own will, they cannot go where they lift, but they are girded to wait upon the will of their Ma- fier, Jam.r.25. Rom.6.22