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Liberty in ChrifíFaffirted. 233 ores things new andold : what Chrift did in him at firft and how he carriedhim on, and howhe brought him out and let him at liberty. And truly Beloved, there is one thing among others that I would gladly fpeak out, that every man may examine him- felfe : The worldhathmade agreat noife, and made great boafi ofwhat they have received byJefus Chrift, and what Freedom he has purchafedfor them ; what a mighty and won- derful redemption he hath wrought by One Alt of his fuff- ringand dyingupon the croffe in the days of his flefh, or at leaft, as fome fay, by all his a&ions and fuirrings. And this is their Anchor hold, their hope, and their trufl becaufe he hathpurchafed therebyHeaven and Salvation fbr them ; And if they do but perform the condition on their part, viz. Beleeve3 then aA is theirs,, all his Riches, Glory, Peace, Redemption, Salvation, Heaven, and all that is in Jefus Chrift : But alas, alas, what's all this to any man, if he do not experience the truth thereof in himfelf, and have not Chriftformed inhim, andhe be not baptized into his death, and have not experience ofhis Refurre&ion in h;mfelf, to be rifen with Chrift, tofeels thole things that are above? In a word, what is all thy external faith andbeleeving, if thou doeft not know the Myftery of that appearance?For He is the Lamb (lainfrom thebeginning : he is yefterday and to day and the fame for ever : He is that EternalSacrificewhich isonce and for ever offered up and prefented to the Father ; He is to this day, from the foundation ofthe world, not only crucified at Jerufalem, but he is crucified in all ages, in Sodom and E- gypt, as Saint John witneffeth, Rev. i i. 8. And their dead bodies ((peaking of thofe twoEternal Witnefhes, which ever ood before the Godof the whole Earth) and their dead bodies fhal lie in theftreets ofthe Great City, which fpiritually is cal?ed Sodom and Egypt, where alfo our Lord was crucified: which cannot be meant laterally ; for Chrift in the flefb, was not crucified in Sodomnor Egypt. But all thefe are fpiritually to be underftood, and they are GRE ATMyftrries, which the world hath not been acquainted with ; But hath gene- rally received a Notion ofGod-mandying at Jerufalem.And Hh indeed ri Col. 3. r. Rev. '1'3.8.