Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

The Saints perfet1 freedom, or indeed they have contented themfelves with a fadow ofthe truth, and little or nothing elfe : there have been very few that have Peen beyond the fhadow, nor lookt beyond the nail: they have not feen IMMANV E L in themfelves, and that he dwells in us, not among us, as your litteral men (to juflifie their Litteral and External knowledge) have tranflated theword, becaufe they faw no farther : But tis properly God in 1es4 Wherever Chrift is , he brings a new birth , works a changeupon the whole man; this didnot, nor does Chrift do by any ofhis anions that he did at jerufalem, neither by his holy life, nor his meritorious death : For was ever any of the fons ofmen conformed tohim by that a& ? Tis true, his death was infinitly meritorious ; andsone a& in him, as being God equal with bis Father, was a fuf&ient facrifice and at- tonement,to pacifie the infinite wrath of God ; But yet know that jailsChrift is not only a Sacrificefor an hour or two, on- ly for the time he fuffered in theflefh under Pontius Pilat,but He is that OneEternal everlafling Sacrifice, which is conti- nually offeredup to theEternal Father in the behalf ofall the Ele&. Andallo we grant, that by that Act, the Eternal purpofe and decree ofGodwas fulfilled in bringing forth the true I MMANuEL, God and Man in One perfon, who tliouldmore fully reveal the Father, and in revealing the Father reveal himfelf ; for ti s faid , OfHerod and Pontius Accts. 2.23 pelat, A&s 2.23. Him being delivered by the determinate coon fel Ind foreknowledg ofGod, by wicked hands have crucified and main. But by his comming in thefle(h, and by his holy life and cruelfufering anddeath,orby his external prefence or company, or eating and drin1 ing with him, or handling, or touching him, or external beleeving on him : by nothing of this nature was any gooddone fpirituaVy upon the fouls of "men, nor had any one his nature changed or regenerated ; no, no ; But the true comming of the ME S S I AHand the ful- filling ofall thepromifes concerning him,was by being made IMMANVELto us, and beingbrought forth in us; this is the Life andMyftery of the Word, andofChrift his being made flefh9.and.his true comming in theflefh : and he that denies Philt 2.16.