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Liberty in Chrift alerted. 235 Cfirifl thus come in the fit fh, the fame is ANTICHR IS 2', Joh.2,22 althoughhe do acknowledge the externalcomming and dy- ing ofjefusChrift at Ierufalem. If he be not come in thy heart, he is not yet come, as to thee ; And there is nodiffe- rencebetween thee and the external Jew : for thou never yet confefedff him by receiving him;forhe is not aimwhich is me outwardy, that is, that onely makes a profeflion of God, but circurcifron is that of the I-Ieart;Wherfore faith theApoflle I Cor. 12.3. I give you to underfíand that no man Jpeaking i Cor.i2:3 by thefpirit of God, calleth Iefus Accurfed ; And that noman canfay that Iefus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghofi. This my Brethren, is not done by an outward profeflion andconformity, but whenChrift is in AS made Lord and King, and that nothing within man, nor nothing without him fits above Chrift, nor is efteemed comparable to him : This man and no other hath acknowledged Chrifi come in the flefh : and this man only faith, that Iefus is the Lord : other- wife he is Antichrifl: and calleth Jefus accurfed, and hath with theJewes fcourged, difdained, hated him, fpit at him, ICor.i2.3 andcrucified him : for there is noman can fay that Iefus is the Lord, but by thefpirit ofthe Lord. But all that are Iews, doe to this day crucify theLord ofLife, and fay, re. e will not that this man(hall wileover us, and cry out, away with him, and releafe unto us Barabbas, but let Iefus be crucified. And this Johrg,39 is the Language ofall theWorld, except thofewho have re- ceivedhim ; and they can anfwer withPeter, when all others are ignorant ofhim ; But whom fay ye that I am ? Thou art Iefus the fonofthe living God; Verely thofe that can thus fay experimentally, ofthem we may fay, Verily, verily, flcfh andblood bath not revealed this unto thee, but the Heaveny Mat.i6.17 Father : for this is that truthwhich never any man could teach, but it is Heavenly and Spiritual : And herein lies theSpirit, and the Myfiery, which is hid from ages, but re- vealed unto usonly by the Spirit. But all outward things, though they were really done, yet they are typical and reprefentations Hill in all ages, more and more lively brought forth, and more rear, and more like unto the Truth : Andwhen ever Chrift camefpi- H h 2 ritually ïl h,