Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

236 The Saints perfea freedom or f faith , fy Rulers and was received : tothem hewas tome, and was the MESS i AH, but all others were ignorant of him, and therefore crucified him ; and there ore Peter, Imot that through ignorance a did it as did al o our l ; for had Aa. they knownhim, they would not bave crucified theLord of Life. WhereChrift is thus come, there it may be Paid indeed, IT IS F INISHED; but where he is come but externally, it may well be Paid, It is notfinifhed ; forthrift is the Au- thor, the.End and thejinifher offaith ; and whenhe is come, then it is accomplifbed, compleated,And it is I; for Neb. 12.2. there is nothing beyondhim, nothing better then him, no- thinghigher norbrighter, nothing moreglorious, nor more ex- cellent, nor more full then Him. Belovtd, let no man be offended at thefe things , and think that wego about to reproach or vilifie any thing done by JefusChrift, who in all he didfulfilledhis Fathers will ; andall things done byhim,oruntohim,were done by theDe- Atï s 4 28 terminate Counfel andforeknowledge of God: But, all that we labour todo, is more to exalt and magnifie the Truth, and the*fiery ofthe Gofpel ofwhich fo many (though profef- fing it) arealtogether ignorant of it, and fet up Idols in {lead ofGod,and worthipfbadows,and indeed are to themno morebut Fancies and Images, for the Subffance ; and (in that cafe) I know none dothmore reproach and vilifyChri in the tieíh then they,- though they pretend fo much for him; for himfelfe often teftifies , Thefief»profiteth not, it is thefpi- Joh 6.63 rit giveth life ; not thofe that eat a little Bread, or fup a little Wine, that eat or receive me ; but he that eateth my fief» and drinl4eth ny blood; for myfief» is meat-indeed, and my blood is drinkindeed ; andno man cangive or take of this bread,, but my Heavenly Father only giveth you of that Heavenly Bread, Ioh. 6. Tis not theoutward fleth ofChritl or his external body Ibid.6. was the life of theworld: But that fame fpirit auct nature that was in Chritl,is tobe in as manyas do receive him : this and no other is the life ofthe World, viz. Chrift his comming into the fouls ofmen,difcovering them to be of thefeed of that evil one and to be deceived, to be loft , to be in darknefs anddifcovering theworks ofDarknefs ; making manife(l the wort