Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Liberty in Chrift af. ferted. 237 works ofthe Devil, and that he dwels in the foul under a diÍ- guife, pretending himfelfto Chrift, when he is a Devil and Antichrift, and is no other but thefather of lyes. NowChrift without us, never does this ; but when he does it inus, then is fulfilled that of the Apoflle to the Galathians : Before whole eyes lefus Chrift oath been evidently fet forthCrucifed a- Gal. 3. i. mong you, or inyou. The feeing ofhim then or now crucified outwardly, was nothing : that was but the fhadowof the life and fubflance : but really to fee themfelves to be the crucifi- ersofGhrift, thiswas the lively crucifying, let out before them. Then Beloved,from hence tis clear, agairfl all gainfayers, that it is the incomming of the Power ofGod in our fpirits by which alone our Freedom, Deliverance, and Salvation is wrought : Tis not all the holding forthof a Chrift crucified the Letter can do it :though 211 thofe things done in theLet, er were true, yet they arenothing to us, ifwe benotraved, ä . de- livered, redeemed from our bondageand captivity ; therfore tis, that we fee many thoulands in the world that can pro- feffe Chrift, and tell large ffories ofhis external life and fuf- ferings, and yet never felt the power ofhis death or life in themfelves for they can follow their own wills, and they can love the world, and extol andmagnifie themfelves, and are as great in their own eyes as any other who profeffe him not. Therefore Chrift is not Salvation nor Deliverance to them: Mailer, we have eaten and drank, in thy prefence, we have preacht and call out Devils in thy Name; we have call a- ',Ilk. 13; way Swearing, and Lying, andWhoring,andDrunkennefs, 26' andwe have taken up this duty and the other, and we have held forth thy Name to the World,andwe have been Sober, Grave, and Auftere in our converfation : but for all this Chrift will profejs Inever knewyou,forye are workers of iniquity.. For Satan had his full paßefion fill, and ye areno other but painted Sepulchres, fair andglorious without,: but full of all rottennejJ'e, flench, lotbfoynnefe, and deadwens bones : Then which nothing can Rink more. Therefore tis not holding forth the higheft profeflion, orChrift in the Letter, or exter- nally, that fets us free, except Chrift come into the heart and