Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

238 The Saints perfect freedom, or 2 Cor.4. 13114. R0114.8. 11. Aas.7.54 and makes us free indeed : elfe tis not freedom indeed; tis but the prefe on and the fhew ; but it mutt be even the farne.A/ -- mightypower that railed up Jeläs Chrift front the dead, we having thefanefpirit offaith, as the Apoftlefaith 2 COT'. 4. 13, 14. knowing that he that railed the Lord Teflts, ,(hall raite us up, by Iefrvs. And again in tiom. S. i i. But if the fpirit of bim that raifed up Iefusfrom thedeaddwellinyou, He that rai- fed up Chrift from the dead, fh,jll alfoquickenyour mortal bodies by hisfpirit which dwelleth bijou; And therforebowwofully hath theprofeFngWorld been mi- fiakenHill in all ages about Chrift without them andofChrift according to theLetter? For if they dobut affint to that,and fay Chrift fuffered for them, and they mutt apply him by an externalbelaying, and fohe is made their Righteoufnefe, Sand.ification, andRedemption ; and though they fin and fall, if they can but cart their eyes upon Chrift fUffi.ring upon the Croft, as the Ifraelites by looking up upon the brazen Serpent, they (hall be healed andpardoned, and Paved ; and yet we knowwithall, that all thofe things were done and were necef?ary for theaccomplifhing of the Fathers purpofe and the mindofGod, but in all thofe things it was not F I- N I S HED : and yet here the world flicks and builds their ReliRion,and this (they think) is as much as is requi- red ; andhe that íhallfpeak againfl it and fay, they fallJhort' of Jefus Chrift ; they cry out upon him foraSeducer, and an Heretick, and they are as mad againft him, as they were a- gainft Paul, when he preacht that they werenogods which were made by men : And are ready to burft out upon them as full ofwrath andmadnefíe as the Jewes upon Steven, when he ript them upand (poke home to them, A&s y. 54, &c. And when theyheard thefe things, they were cut to the heart and gnafhed upon him with their teeth; Yet for all that, know,that all this believing wil not ferve thy turri,but it mutt be Chrift manifefled in thee,feeing him crucified and rifing again, and fitting in Heavenly places in thy heart: elle whatever thou talkeft of Chriftand ofhis miracles, if thou haft no wittsefs, no evidence of the truthof them, in thy own heart, what is all that ever He did, and whats all that ever He fuffered, to thee ?