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240 2 Per. 2. 17. &C. Luk. 17.. 23. Mar,i6.i8 ?he Saints perfect freedom, or pretenders toChrift,they live on theJhadow,and rely on the fbapeandformofChriftianity, but not on the life andpow- er : How havemen beat their wits, and layd theircounfels together to form and model Religion, to make it pi& for currant in the world, that they may be accounted Artifs, and Paftors, and Do&ors? and according to that fine inven- ted word ORTHODOX; and fore adding thatblaf- phemous title DIVINE: and they will prefcribe Rules andmake Articles offaith for all men tobeleeve and receive and conform to, and í1i11 they arenew-modelling to cut*, and fquare it as like.theLetter oftheW'ord as may be;and then they are pleafed, and others applaud them as wife PIafter Builders : And yet we may fay of them as the ApoftlePeter faith, 2 Pet. 2. 175 IS, 19. They are thole which have forfaken the right way, and aregorse affray, following the way ofBalaam who loved the wayes ofunrighteoufnefs : The*are Dells without water, clouds carried witha tempeff, to whom the 'miff ofdart nefs is referved for ever : For when they fpealk_ great fwelling words ofvanity, they allure through the lifts of the flefb thole who were clean efcapedfrom them, who live in errag; And whilt theypromife them libertie, they themfelves are thefervants of cor- ruption ;for ofwhom a man is overcome, of tkefame is he brought in bondage. They are alwaies learning and teaching others to do this, and do that, andyet they themfelves are the fer- vants ofloft and corruption : Therefore be not deceived, but ifthey cry loehere, or loe there, Goafter fuch a Man, and Inch a Man ; joyn with this Church, or that. Fellowfhip and ye, find Chrift : but go not after them ; believe themnot, for they do but deceive; they cannot deliver nor redeem themfelves. And therefore this point is clear, that none but Jefus Chrift could ever free the Al, or deliver it from bmdage ; and this is a truth againft which the Gates of Hell (hall never pre- vail. Therefore we may conclude,that whateverfpirit goes out any other way, or to any other thing to findReft,or Liberty, or Redemption by, but only by Jefus Chrift, he is deceived, for tis only in Immanuel, Godwith us ; there is no Redeemer , no Deliverer, no Saviourbut only He ,; All the Saints who have