Liberty inChril alerted. 2q,i have all experience therof in themfelvs, know this to be true and give out their witneffe, that in vain did they run out to any thing elfe : and there only are the true Wayters for The Kingdom of God, and the confolation of Ifrael : here was the Mar.1$.43 true Wayting and the true ufing of Ordinances : Oh that men didbutknow what this waiting upon the Father was, that they knew, that there was no life but in Chrift, no power but in him, that they had nowifdomnor goodneß, nor that theycould never bedelivered but by and in the power, light and life ofChrift. Oh that men knew in experience,as they pretend inwords and notions ; that a!ljudgment N commit- oh,.aa. ted to the Son ; And that in him alone was the power of life and death, and that he alone had the keys to unloclithe Myfleries of Salvation : then whether Cifthey were perfwa- ded ofthis) could the heart ofman go for relief? It it taw its own utter emptinefs,notbingnefs,and that all Creatures and all Ordinances and forms were broken Ciflerns, how could Jer. 2.!;. they depend and wait on them ? If then Jefus Chrift be . the onlyfulnefs, the only power, the only riches , the only joy, the only treafure, then would they fell all to buy this Pearl. Mens running out to this thing and to that, is be-: caufe they are unfatisfied, and are in want of peace and, Luk.ii,2 reft, and this makes them goout andwall througb dry pla -: ces tofind reft, but can find none : this want makes them heap to themfelves fo many varieties ofthings to give them peace i their fouls fly to and again fromflorwe to flowre, but cannot refs any where ; they fly to this duty, and tother form, but they are all emptie, they are no other but dryplaces. Ohwonderful to fee ! howSatan bath deluded the fops of men : and all is, becaufe they cannot be content to fit down in their ownpoverty, to fee themfelves naked and miferable, and then to waitupon Him, who would certainly come in in due time, with truePeace, Riches, Refl, Power, Righ- teoufneffe,Satisfa&tion, Fulneffe, and whatever is good ; But becaufemen are not able toRand in the fight of their own nothiiagnefs, howdoth Satan continually carry them out, they cannot endure to flay within to fee themfelves ; but either they are carried out to Luft, or Luxury, or Van- I i tonneffej