Liberty in Chrfi afj'erted. ( 243 medy ? is there no better Phyfitians then thefe ? I have joind my Pelfto thePresbyterians, and I have found their way toofhort, that would not do ; I have come over to the Independents and thought that way feemedbefore, a better, andmore refined way, yet it is too narrow, I cannot wrap my Pelfin that covering ; well, fayes thy heart, is there noother, nor no better Phyfitians ? fo I could but fccure my Pelf and prevent this fireand thisburning, I would be content to do any thing, and take up everyyoal and fubmitto.theiriaeft forms. Then fay the Anabaptiffs, come over to us andwe. (hall give thee fatisfa&ion : we have the trueBaptifm accor- ding to the word, near the word of as we : But when thou haft done all thefe things to find ref?, and to quench the fire which began toburn, and to hide thy defor- mities from men : doll thou think there is any thing of Chrift in all this ? is not this rather to run away, and turn ay backupon Chrií}, and to live by thy own wits and inven- tions, and by thy own power, meerly to prevent death and deftruaion, and the loftng ofthy ownwifdom and righte- oufneffe, and that thoumayeft not come into the light of God,leafl it fhould difcover thy darknelfe andblacknef e? And now, feeing thefe things are fo, how dare any of the Ions ofmenboaft of thefe things, when they cannot freenor deliver the foul, bat rather increafe their mifery, and lengthen out their bondage : I fay, dare any man $and forth and call thefe the OrdinancesofChrift, as they ufe them what greater, what higher blafphemy ? an Ordinance ofGod is a thing ofanother natures wherein the wifdom and power ofGod is effe(ival to bring in the heart, to caufe man to renounce his own wifdom, power, &c. to empty himofall his power and goodneffe, and to .caufe the foul to fubmit to the righteoufieffe offaith ; elfe tis but an ordinance &f man, and the word is but a dead Letter, and tis no more but the wordofman, except it come with authority and power upon the heart, bringing every high thought, and every imagination into theobedience ofthrift : What haft thou to do to take nay word into thy mouth, andyet hateft to be reformed ? Truly friends, thereare manypretenders toChrift, and the world I i 2 makes Matth.7. 29. 2 Cor. to. 5. Pfa. 5o. 16.