Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Gf /1T1G 1( f .tif l GGllf rti,ets THE Valle of the Covering, fpread over All Nations , What it is ; And how removed. With a Difcovery of that Mountain of Fat things full ofMarrow, And Wines on the Lees well refined. Delivered on a publiqueday ofThankfgiving, `J 23. . 16 . 5 3 1111G- E s A r. 2 5. 6. 7. &c. In this Mountain (hall the Lord of Hogs make untoall people a Feaft o ffat things, a Feaft of Wines on the Lees, of Fat thingsfull ofMarrow, of Wines on the Lees well refined. And hewill dejiroy in this Moun- tain theface of theeQ overall Nations,lcople, and the Vaile that fpread AcAtt ,HE Prophet in the former part ofthe Chapter, having feen and taken notice of thofe wonder- * T full works wrought by Jefus Chrift, both in o`+ his Judgements and Mercies, he breaks out ctA , intowonderful praife;rejoycing andadmirad- on ofhis wonderful Works,and of hisCounfels ofold, O Lord thouart my God, Iwill exalt thee, I will praife $ thy