144 The Saints perfea freedom,or makes a great noife of fearing, and worfhipping him, and there is great tallyeverywhere of fearing God,, in notion,' and opinion,. and delufion For, who elfe more perfe-' cute and crucifieChrift, and,hate, and oppofe the truepower ofgodlinefTe, and the teachings of thefpirit, and the workof Chrift in redeeming and delivering the foule then theft men ? Therefore Beloved, thefe things that men fo much cleave to andmagnifie, cannot be the refl ofa Chriflian, nor theOr- dinances ofChrift (as u fed by them) but of-Antichrift, be- caufe, they may be ufed, and livedin, and admired, and pri- zed, and yet they arewithout any power : they let thofe 2Tiria.3.6 that ufe them and live in them, to becarried azay with di-. 2 per 2.i9 vers lulls ; they pretend liberty, but themfelves are the fer- vants ofcorruption, andtenemies to the power of Chrift, and the life ofChriflianity ; and are a&eet by Antichrift, who 2Thef.2.4 1 as Godfitteth in the Temple ofGod, (hewing bimfelf that he is God. Though he be a Devil and Antichrift, yet he would not be !known, all his policy is to conceal himfelf, and be thought to be righteous, andpure, and to be the very Chrift; thefin of the livingGod. May not one be .dipt and receive. 'Alts 8 12. water baptifine and yet be a Sorcerer ? Yes, was not Simon Maws fo ? May not one beat breai ng ofbread with Chrift,.. Mae. 26. andyet be a Devil ? Yes, for fowas Iudas ; though hewas 23. not there when Chrift gave them hid boty to eat, and hip blood to drink, which was himJëlf, which he gave to all the refi yet, he was at fupiper with him, at the Pafchal Lamb,and externally bralke bread with him. May not a man befull of good words and, make great rofef- f ons of firianeffe, and yet be farfrom the Kingdom of of Hea- Mat. 23. ven ? Yes ,. for fo were the Pharifees, they were the only Learned men, and the interpreters of the Scriptures, andu- ledmuch and long praying ; and uttering many outward ood words, /weer- andfmonth in their carriage, and were very feria as to the outwardcommand, andwere generally taken for`the holieff and thegravef, and the fc bereft men ; if any lend to them, they would lenti to them again ;:yet you know tbid.v.27.. what Chrift faies of them, theywere but painted Hypocrits, and