Liberty in Chrifi alerted. 5 and compares them to lotbfome, ffinc(ing Sepulchres. As the Apoftle faith concerning charity, thougha mango ne- ver fo far in anions of love, though begive bis body to be bur- Cor.13.3 ned, and bave not true love, all is nothing. Men may come fo far as to burn for Religion,andyet havenothing ofChrift at all: Therfore tilde outwardexternal anions ofmendo not ;truly declare aChriflian, whether he aEt!fromthe power of Chriftin him ; for he may do the fame ai?s by way ofimi- tatiòn, that a true Saint may do. Therefore Beloved, it lies us very much upon to difcover and findout wherein the truth lies ; how we may knim it from all forms, - fhadows, pictures, patterns; to lino* that which is true, real, unchangable, and cannot deceive : for there can be no true peace, nor no real fatisfaaion but where Chrift is an indwcller in the foul ; where all of man ceafes to aft, and he made as dead, as nothing, as emptied to all things in themfelves, fo that thli cannot fay nor think :that theyhaveany Wifdom, Power, or Goodnefl"e, or that by them they can aft any thing toward the worfhip or accep- tance of the Father, but are reprobate in themfelves to every good work: Thouwhohaft chofen any other Saviour, any Tit.r. 16. other Deliverer, any other Help but Jefus Chrift, where wilt thou appear when the Lord (hall come to judgment ? then all thy Saviours will forlake thee , and not one Rand' by thee. When thouhaft laidof thy forms, andfellowfhips, and thy Ordinances (as thou calleft them) 7-bile be thy gods that will fave thee,thefe. than give thee a 1' of .andpeace:And Exo.32.4. though with your tongues you dònot fay thus, yet this is the very end of thy cleaving to them, to be refs for thy fpi- rit here, and to fave thee fi om the wräih`to come.What is all this, but to rob Chrifi of his Glory, and to fet the crown upon thy own inventions? And tis true we in words fay Chrift'ír all in all; yet in pra&ice we muff bring in fomethingof man; hemutt ai't and he muff do fomething, elfe he cannot expel' that Chriftfhould do hispart; how ihcn is Chrift all is all? how is he the Author andfinither offaith ? Thefe are there- fore thofe which Chriffandahe Prophet fpeaks of, that have Heb. r 2.2: eyes and fee nòt, and eares and hear not, andhearts which can- not underfiand. Now