Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

?4.6 Saints perfea freedom, or Efa. 30.21 Roru.t o. h, 7. Ibid.v,j. ONMONOMM Now ifthou wert able (I fay) tofland in this light of God, and there nil quiet, and fit down under hell, and wrath, and covered withdamnation, and the curie, as being thy rigl,2t and thyportion, this were the way to come to life : this is Chrift his way : for life alwayes fprings out ofdeath, and light out ofdarkneIfe, and fulne13out of emptinefíe,and AlfaiJfrciency out,ofnothingneffe; and this is the great My- fiery ofthe Gofpel, which thewhole world, and all litteral and great knowing Profeffors ; neither kill nor can under- ftand;becaufe they canna endure this light ofGod todeftroy, confound, andamdoe them ; But they are fceking out any covering tokeep them from this difcovering light, for they mutt beJóraething in themfelves, and hate this making no- thing, and wouldbyno means their deeds Jhould be made man;felt, nor thefoulneff of their hearts laid open. And know alto, this light is within thee, ifthouwouldft h t itThine out ; there is~ a voice within thee, Paying, This is the way, wal&in it: So that thou aseedell notfay in thine heart whofhall afcend intoHeaven? that is,to bring Chrifi down from above; or nwhoßa11 defcend into the deep ? that is to bring Chrift again from the dead, but the righteoufnef.' ofFaith, faith, the word is nigh thee, even in thy mouthand in thy heart, and this is the wordoffaithwhich we preach. But man he is ffill loo- king to external a£tings, and thinking he muff be doing fomethine to procurepeace and life, or elfe he thinks if he can but beleeve on an external Jefus Chrift, who died at jerufalem, and fetch Chrift from the grave, or bring him down from above, this is his righteoufneffe, what's all this , but the righteeufreff ofthe Law, whichMofes defcribeth to be on this wife, that the man which doth thole things fhall live in "hem? And this covenant ofworks, man can never get from under : For the Lawwas given to thew man bes wead¿nefe and inability to do the lean; and this never works effe&u- ally till Chrift come in with his light tomake man fee him- felfas he is poor, and wretched, and blind and naked, to flay man,and tomake him'iniferable tohimfelf;for he is mife- rable, and loft, and undo4te, but he hates tofee it, or acknow- ledge it ; and by running from this difcovering light, man thinks