Liberty in drill afférted. 247 thinks tofave himfelf, and to avoid hell and wrath, and the pit ofeternalcondemnation ; when indeed this very thing is hir mifery, and death, and condemnation; That he mutt be fomething in his own efleem,and he cannot /oft' bis life; yet all this is noother, but feeking to matte a covenant with death andhell ; but this Covenant will be broken, and will (and doth in time)' break. in upon him, to hiseverlaffing condem- nation : and none of all his coverings,fhelters,forms, or any of his fortifications,nor his firong holds will fecure him,or keep of the Deluge of wrath and vengeance due unto him. Now J:efus Chrifl being, as I faid nigh thee, within thee, in thy mtuth, in thy heart,. he by his light, if thou wouldeft hearken to his teaching , would direEt and guide thee in all thy wales from whence come thofe fecret whifperings and checks within thee ? when thou thinkft to doe tl. is and that evil ; and it tels thee, no, do it not , tis evill , to wrong or hate thy brother, toperfecute him, no faits this light,, Doe as thou wouldfl be done unto; and thououghteft not to doe the leafl hurt to any creature , becaufe thou wouldft not be hurt thy felfe. He did evil ( thou wouldit verily think) if he fhould d^e fo to thee; and is it not rthe fame in thee ? this very light in thy own breaft is a fufficient judge and teacher, ifthou wouldil but fill mind it,and eye it,and be guided by what it teacheth in thee. This light would bring thee to fee howweak thy jlrength is, howmuch folly is in all thy wifdom', what confufion is in all thy peace, what rottenneß of bones in all thy health ? what pover tty in all thy riches, what forrow and rnifery in all thy joy andpleafure ; But this is thy condemnation , that thou wilt not be condemned; but as this light within difcovers dare nefl,thou art ;ail ufng thy utm...ti. inventions to comer thy felf, and make thee Teem otherwife , namély , Good, holy, wife, righteous, and worthy of all praife and admiration : And this is the epidemical) mifery of all the formes of men; and He cryes out againft''this light, and hates it, andperfècutes it, and thofe that profeffe it and hold it forth : Igo blacker dim vet to men, then this light that would thew them themfelves. And in all ages, thofewhop God hath.made infirumentall to Pfat.9i.ti Mat: 7.ts.