Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

248 TheSaints perfect freedom, or to hold this light forth in experience , they have been í1i11 hated and perfecuted by the moft and greatefl profefors of Truth ; nonames blackenough to finite othem with , nor no death lead enough for to cut them off by , to expreffe their iinexpreffible hatred and bitterneffe to them, to theutmoft of their power : what?to take away their life,theirpeace, their Ads 22. glory, their God, their goodneß, nay the verycrown of their 22. glory ? away with fuckafellow from the earth, tis not fit he fhould live. And all this comes from hence, that man dare not ftand in his Own condemnation ; he dare not let this light Thine on his works , becaufe They know they are evil Therefore they hate it, preach againft it , cry out upon it as damnable doarine, and call theProfefors thereof Seducers, Familifts, , uakers, yefuits, any thing tomake them the moft odious to the fonnes ofmen ; and they themfelves refoive to fmother it in themfelves, and will not beguidedor direyed by it; they are refolved not tobe weake, not tobe poore, not to befoils, not to be vile, but make the worldRill think that they are wife,ftrang, holy, fober, grave, regular, inall they do, andobedient to the very fmalleft and ftritleft rules ofChrift.; and he that (hall tax the;n,or conceive or declare otherwifeof them, is to them a Fiend,a Serpenr,a Divel. Laftly , from this ONENESS cf the Deliverer, we may conclude, As there is but One Deliverer, fo there is but one way ofDeliverance; though there may be in the world thoufands of inventions of men , fome wor(hipping this may, and fome that, fome after oneform, and fome after another ; yet this is certain, there is but one Deliverer, and one wayof ,Eph,4, $. Deliverance : As the Apoftle faith, Ephef.4.5. There is a u- nity in the pirit, which is the bondofpeace ; There is one body, andone One Lord, that is, One Deliverer, one Faith; one Baptifm , that is one'way ofdeliverance ; One God and father ofall, who is above all, add through all, and in all. One Savi- our, andOne way offalvation ; and there is no more : And this way is,Chrift in manbringing forth the light ofGod, to empty, kill, and defiroy the glory and wifdorn ,of man , to make a man as pooreas Job, having loft all, and lying upon the dunghill full ofbodes,fcabs, and foxes from the crown of the