Liberty in Chrift alerted. the head to the fole ofthe feet ; andas miferable as Lazarus, withhisfores, which thedogs came andLicked, and to make them llie begging for the fmalleft crums to relieve them : Whofoever thou°art, if thy deliverance be not wrought this n'ay, let me tell thee freely thou wert never yet delivered, however thouflatterefl thy Jelfe to thecontrary : You may talk of forms, and difciplines , and clippings, and of eating and drinking with Chrift ; and breaking of bread , and of Baptifines and all other externall things. But this alone is the true Baptifme , and the true eating of thrift his body, and the drinking his blood ; This is theOne way wrought by this One deliverer; and whoever he be that lives in mul- tiplicity of forms, and dived ty of worfhips, or holds thefe thingsforth asGhrifts way,without this Baptifmofthe fpirit, he holds forth a lye, and a delufon, and mifery andwrath and defolation of fpirit will come in the end : for this is that one ; and only way which Jefus Chrift hat!) ufed in all the Saints from thebeginning of the world, and will doe to the end to bring man low in himfelfe , that he alone may be exalted. As there is but One God and Father of all; but one Husband, who is rich unto all: fo there is but one Church,but one Spoufe, but one body ; and this one Spoufe , body, or Church, they are all joyned, married, or brought home to Chrift but in this one way. And there is but onepower, but one wifdom,but oneflrength, wherebyall the peopleof God were and ever!ball be delivered. Beloved, what aftirdoes all theworld make aboutfitting up a world of feverall inventions, withvariety of wafflings, rules, dippings, forms?and every individuali fellowfhip,fay, we are in the right way, our way is the bell, and we are neereft the rule,and the Primitive pra&ife ; and our way is the way of peace and real: fuch and fuch,they mill the rule of the word in this, and in that, but our way is the moft exa 1, and moft perfe& ofall : All which , is no other but that which Chrift foretels fhall come, when theyfay, Loe here is Chrifl, or Loe he is there; but Chrifts command is, Goe not after them,for the Kingdom ofGodcomes not with obfervation, nor confifts not in outward obfervations, nor in eating or drinking, nor K k in