Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

7he Saints perfea freedom,or in dipping in water, nor in meats and drinks, nor in obeying the commands and rules of men : As touch not,tafenot,handle not,which all peri/h in the ufing; for All things ofthat nature are far below thofe (pirituall things in .which confifls the KingdomofGod,whichv is righteoufneffe,peace,&joy in the holy Ghofl, and in beingBaptized with thefpirit , and withfire : There is but one eating of Chrifis body and drinking his blood, and this is no other but what is given by Jefus Chrift himfelfe ; andwhoever eats not,nor drinks not of this, He it is that eats damnation, not difcerkting theLords body : And thoughmen eate and drink, and bre4bread together never fo often, andbe never fo confiant and obfervant therein, yet the ApoíilePays plainly, This is not toeat the Lordsbody : but tisonely the eating the Hidden Manna that can nourifh to everlafling life : Tis onely the eating of the Tree of life in the midfl of the Pa?adife of God that can make us live for ever. And of this breadall the Saints doe eat; And what one Saint is fed with, the fame are all Saints : and, what a Saint lives by, he eates daily, and this is his food andnourifhment ; the bread that feeds .them is not eating for an houre, or the like,but for ever ; tis his daily food by whichhe is nourifhed and fed to theKingdomof God : He does not oneday feed like a Saint,and another day like a divel; He does not onely examine himfelfe to Bate a little bit of bread, and drink afup of wine, but he daily examines himfelfe, and he daily and continually eats of this bread , and drinks of this cup ; for they being manyare one bread, and one body, for they are all parta- kers of that one bread ; and, what ever they doe, and when ever they Bate, they doe it in remembrance ofhim ; They live upon Chrift in all things, they fee Rim to be their life, their motion, their rule and ruler, their righteoufneffe,wìfdom,redem- ption : They fee there is not one creature atis or moves,nor is there one change,ofprovidence, but they fee Chrift do it more truly then they fee the creature doth it : They fee him theSoveraign Lord and Commander , ruling and doing all thingsas in themfelves, fo in the whole creation of Heaven and earth, and this is that they live by andfeedupon ; They have fuch meat to eat, which none knows the vertue of,but only they