Liberty inchrifalerted. they who eat it; fuch meat it is the world knows not of , nor cannot conceive of : And therefore all the world , whether profelhngChrift or not, they not eating of this Divinefood, they fiarve, and die, and eat nothing elfe but death, the curfe and damnation : And yet what a noife, and a bufling there bath been in all ages about the forms and fhadows of things ? and what cenfuríng and condemning each other for not having a uniformity, which can never be for they only dwellingin the letter, anduponexternall things,they fee not thefpirit, and the myflerie , the life and the truebread : But thofe who eateof the truebread, they are one body, and one bread, for they are all partakers of that one bread; with them there is a unity and a uniformity, and nowhere elfe there can be;ofw:xxh men have heard a talkk,and report,and they fpea of fuch a thing, but they know not what it means, nor how tocome by it; for,nonecan come at it,but thofe to whom this bread it given , and they onely can fay experimentally, his body is bread indeed, and his blood is drink,, indeed; And they only can givewitneffe of theTrue CommunionofSaints, and know the happineffe and true pleafure thereof, and what heavenly fweetneffe is therein , All harmonizing and giving teftimony to This One alone Great Deliverer, and This wonderfull NonefuckDeliverance. Nounity like this unity, nor love, nor peace like thispeace, which they have in Jefus Chrift Their only Deliverer. , ; r* . ./ ,lE F K.k 2 , THE