X54. Gal. 4.19 Dolt. Efa.7. 14. Col.,. 27 and never till then : For man is let free by no other, nor no lefhe you ee then thepower of the Father,even thevery fame EPh.1.19 power which railed up Iefissfrom thegrave,The very fame lets 20. every beleever at liberty : And was that which freed him from his bondage,broke offhis fhackles,loofed him from his chains,and delivered him out ofprifon. We (hewed hence the folly and madnefß of all thofewho went about, or had any hope or expo&ation offreedom by any other way but only by Jefus Chrift alone : and how vain all the endeavour ofman was, till Chrift was pleafed to let him free ; for where the 2 Cor.3. fpirit of Chrift is, there it liberty and nowhere elfe : This 17 Libertywill abide, and men may fandfait in it, but all o- ther liberty is but a delufion, and will fail and come to no- thing; whatever peace, or power, or righteoufnefl is brought into any foul by any other means, it will fail and deceive him that puts confidence therein. But where Chrift hasfet a man free, there is real freedom, andhis workwill abide and 1 Cor.3. (hall receive a reward. 14. In the Saints perfe .1 freedom, or always in bondage with her Children, and was to be cal/ cut and reje1ed, for theSon of the Bond-woman fhall not be Heir with the fon of theFree-woman. Now the Apoill e with thefe Galathians had taken great pains, and he had, as it were, travailed in birth with them tobring them to Chrift, and to have him formed in them; and they being made children cf the Free-woman, He comes in thisverle to exhort them toRand fall in that deliverance wherewith Chrift had snaa' them free; and to (land fall under the true obedience ofChrifl, and not to be entangledor to give Bare to any o- ther Doctrine ; for all Doeirine, and all other Government was no other but Ayoako fbondage. And thepoint we then (toed uponwas this, 2hat lefus Chrift was the onlyDeliverer from bondage:wherc.. in we (hewed that every beleever was Chrifts true free-man,'. and no manwas ever delivered and let free from bondage, but only and alone by Jefits Chrift. And we fpake fome- thing to thewyou howChrift was the Deliverer,whom I Phew- ed youwas I M MANUEL, God in us ; he being manife- ffed and brought forth in us, then hewas the hope of Glory,