Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

Liberty in Chrifi affertecl. In the next place we (hewed that this Deliverer, all his works werefpiritual, they werenotwrought in a carnal and elbly way : It was not externallforms, nor outward rules, nor difciplines, nor gathering into rellowfhips, nothing of this nature could let the foul free, but onely the infinite power ofJefus Chrifi himfelf. And having laid thefe things down, we would now come nearer toour felves, that every foul here may examine it felfe, to fee what witneffe it can bear to this do&rine ; whether they can teftifie, and beare out their witneffe in experience, that Chrif1 bath been their Deliverer or no, and whether this deliverance have been 'wrought in them : I doenot here come to ask any, what he can fay in words, or what he hath by notion, by reading, or hearing, or by cuftom, or education ; but Art thou come to thyDeliverance by the fpirit and power of Chrift ? Haft thou found in thy felfe., that all thy wifdom, power, endea- vours, all thy rules and lri&walking could never deliver thy foul from one luft, but that thou wert forced to renounce all, as weakand abominable, being utterly loft and fript naked in thy felfe, being made as weak as any other man, Jùdg.i6.. { and that all thy power, working, a&ing, reforming, was Y7 but a meer forced thing, and nothing therein done by the power oflove andby the fpirit of Chrift in thee ; that all thy glorious thews offaith, and holineffe, and flri&neffe in con- verfation was but meer (hews and pic`iures, and that thou thy felfewert but asfounding Brats, and as a tinckling Cym- bal, and all thy profrffïon and religion meet aire, apparition, emptine(I,and in truth A Ly and no ¡itch thing?However thou haft been carried out upon divers confxderations, and haft had many glorious fpcculations,and high expreflions,which to thy felfe andothers have famed rare and glorious ; yet, 1 fay, except thou canff make there things out, as done and a5ted in thy felfby Jeins Chrifi, be affiired all thy words and high prefej7ion is nothing : But, hath jefus Chrift been thy Saviour, thy Deliverer ? bath he opened thy eyes, and thy ears, railed thee from death to life ? have thy anckle- bones receivedfieength from him ? Are thole miracles (fpokeri' of) which hedid in the flefh done in thee : Are thy bones Ads. 3.7 broken I i COLI3.1.