Liberty in 'Chrift alerted. 257 duties is to this end, to examine thy inwardman, and thy fpiritual condition. Thou joinefl thy felfin fellowfhip, and walked conformable to all thy rules, and thou art wafhed, and thou breakeft bread with them , and thinkefl herein thou haft.obeyed the commands of Chrift : alas this is nothing, if jefus Ch rift have not joined thee to himfelfand made thee a member of him ;;what gooddoe all there things ? for by all thefe outward aWtin,s thou dolt not difcern the Lords body : To difcern the Lords body, is to eat him, to be united to him, to bemade onefpirit with him., that fo he may be made experi- mentally a Saviour, and a Deliverer in thee; That he hath taken thy foul out of the mire and clay, and out ofthe horrible pit, thou canft fay experimentally and by feeling that it was an PC 40. 2. horriblepit, and that there thy foul fluckfafl, and thou ,hadfl no hope ever toget forth;and ifChrift hath fet theefree, thou knowcft full well, no powercoulddo it but only .his, only Eph. 1 19. the fame power which raifed jefus Chrift from the grave, and no leffe; And thou, whoever thou art, whohaft experience ofthis work, thou art in one ofthefe two conditions; either .thou art letfree and delivered by the power ofJefus Chrift, orelfe thou feeft thy Pelf in the pit, in ftraits, in mifery, in a hopelefl'econdition, and artfighing, andgroaning for delive- rance,and waitingwhen Chrifl willdeliver thee : And if thou beeft but in either of thefe two conditions, thou art in a fafe and goodCondition ; but ifthou haft been in this mifery and condemnation, and thou haft ufed all means to put this off, and fought out deliverance for thy felfe,and by thy wife- dome and flrength, and conformity, and holineffe haft got thyfelfe a covering by any thing under Heaven, then Jefus Chrift never was a Deliverer to thee; but though thou think; eft thy felfe delivered, yet thou art for all thy peace, and for all thy Coverings, under a worfe bondage then be- fore. Therefore, I fay, I would have every foul before me,ex- amine it felfe, whetherhe be a true feeker of Deliverance, which is to examine in whichof thefe two Conditions he is in, whether he hathbeen under thefe Terrors and death, in hell and condemnation, feeing himfelf /oft' and miffrtable, and L 1 that