Liberty in Chrift afferteid. what hanging their Harps upon the Willows, fitting down by theRivers ofBabylon weeping and crying out, Oh, bowfhall we fng the Lordsfong in a firange Land! And wifhing and laying, Happy (hall he be, that taketh and dafheth thy little ones againi theJtones : Will the Ox laugh when he bath fodder ? faith Job. Till they have deliverance, they cannot but mourn ; and none can deliver them but theLyon of the Tribe Rev. 5, 5. ofjuddh ; to fuch a foul only is Iefus Chrift precious ; others may talkof him, and make a great profefion of Iefus Chriíl in the Letter, and talk of lefus Chrift his dying at Jerufalem, and ofbeleeving, andSalvation by him ; but they cannot love him till lefus Chrift beIMMANVEL, a Saviottrin them ; Mat.i z3. then and never before can there Elders throw down their Crownsbefore the Lamb, faying, ?hou only art worthy to receive honour, andglory, andpower, and thou only hall redeemed us Rev. 4.1° by thy Blood. Thou feefl thou canft not fo much as move z I. handor foot to help thy felf: All thy tears, thy prayers are nothing but as Iefus Chrift prayes andcryes in thee byhis fpi- rit, with groans unutterable which cannot be expreß. This R°m8.26 take as the firft difference and examination between him that is wounded andfick, and condemned ; the one he is fo andhe can go to no other but only to IefusChrift, to be healed and C'kved. Theothers, when they are fo, they can finde helpand reft in men, in means, in ordinances, in fellowfhips,in reformations, and better orderingof their lives, by their own power. The other finde there is no refting, no fitting (till in any thing belowChrift, but they hunger and thirft, and wait the goodpleafure ofIefus Chrift, and when the fpirit which bloweth whereit lifteth will blow upon their Hearts ; 3ohn 3.8 They are like a hungry man, whole ftomack doth fognaw he cannot reft withoutfood : and like a thirffy man who .can- not be fatisfiedwithout drink. It is not husks nor fhadows, nor pictures, nor Idols will ferve his turn, but he muff have real food, he mull have Chrifls body which is meat indeed,and Chrifts blood which is drinkindeed. He muff havehis Eter- Ibid.6. 55 nal God help him, or all hecan do is nothing to him. Beloved, were men but come to this, to be really mite- rable, and truly in bonds,which men fo much talk of, and L 1 2 fo