The Saints perfea freedom, or fo littlefeel, ye need not dire& diem this way and that way, ye need not bid them cry or pray,or run tohear or the like, their very mifery would conftrain them; whereas otherwife men take up diefe things for form and for cuflom and com- plement, and to be thought religious, and toquiet their con Jcicnces and-the like : But they would be like the blind man, which notwithftanding they hindred him , and reproved. him, andbid him not pray, nor cry,yet the fenfe ofhis.blind, nefs made him cry out after Jefus Chrift, 7efus; thou fon of _Davidhave mercy onme. If nien did but find, fee, and feele . the burning within them, and the fling of the fiery Serpent, they neednot be bid to look up to the Brazen Serpent. Secondly,lf thoubeeft'a truefee4r of deliverance,&a true waiter, thou wilt abominate and fcorn ail.other Deliverers, but only this Only Deliverer Jefus Chrift: all other, thou lookeitupon them as Phyfitians ofno value : Thou feeft there is but one Teacher, but one Counfellour, but one Saviour : They will not go after them that fay, Loe here is Chrijì, and loe there, in this way and in that form, Paying, joyn to us, we are in the beltway, here ye (hall find refs and fatisfa&ion : but they fee really and are fully convinced, that there is no- thing elfe but the Eternal Father making out himfelfe. through his fon, even Chrift manifefled in the flefh, juflified in thefpirit, . feen ofAngels, preached unto -the Gentiles, beleeved on in the world,- and,received up intoGlory. And .laves the Apo- ftie, Gal. g.. 3; I.. Even fo we, when we were Children, were in bondage under theElements ofthe world: but vPhen the fulneffe of Time wascome, Godfentforthhis Son, made ofa ll/oman,made 'under the Law, to redeem them that , were under the Law, that we might receive the Adoption ofSons Andbesaufeye areSons, Godbath fent forth thefpirit ofhis Son into your hearts, crying -Abba Father. So that it is clear, that foul that truly feeks deliverance, it fees Jefus Chrift only to be able to deliver, that there is nothing Idle then Hirn, nothing befirles Him. But herein lies the mifery ot all the Sons ofmen : they pretend tofeeble- ius Chrif%; and think they have found him, becaufe they have:heard -of a Iefus Chrifl who died=at Ierufalem4 and though- Jotì. I 3,4 Mat 24. 23. z Tim. 3. 16, &c.