Liberty in Chriii afferted. though they have nounion with him, yet if they can exter nally beleeve in him, th at's enough, though they never re- ceive any vertue from hint, nor he was never formed in them ; And herein generally molt men profefing Chrift fit down and refs, and bleffe themfelves,: and never yet faw truly their own mifery, how they aredepartedfrom the fountain of living waters, and how they dig to themfelves broken Ciferns which are empty and dry, and can hold no water ; And in their extremity, °hither they come, to their own Cifierns, thinking to refrefi themffelves, and quench their thirfl, but they are empty and dry ; and fo many men who are great profeff9rs of Religion dig wells for themfelves, but they are not the Wells of Salvation. Oh my dear friends ! my heart bleeds to think,,,how thefe men delude themfelves: with golden dreams ; And they- pretend great love toChrift, and; ay, he is their hope, and their help, and they will wait upon him and call their foules upon him, when as they do but as it is PI: 78. 34, 35. they returned and inquired early after God, and remembred that Godwas their rock, and the high God their Redeemer. Nevertbelife, they did but flatter him with their mouths, and they lied unto him with their tongues .; for their beartwas not right with him'neither were they faithful in his covenant. Howdo thefe men keep a greatfiir, and make a great noife for their Religion, and who feemmore zealous then they ? or more eager for worfhip ? who more flattering and fmooth in their expreflions, and fay thy Servants, thy Ser- vants? and who feem to be more affe&edwith di(honour to Chrift, , and are very much offended at errors, and heretcs, andblafphemies ? but I fear, and not without demonftratiorr enough,that they do but flatter Chrift with their MO VT I-1 S when their hearts are far from&him ; -fayes Iebu, Sec my zeal for the Lordoff-]ofis;but we know his zeal was but for hiinfelf :So thefe men are offended ifany thing be faid t o touch - them. or . their wayes, pretending dithonour to Chrift, and they cry 1 out BLASPHEMY, becaufe it reproves their blindne fie or ignorance, (hewing that they are the blind leaders of the blind, and bothfal into the ditch:& fo do it out of pretence of love